We need a new layout. I suck at graphics and stuff, so, heres what I'm doing.
1. Create a free ElJay account and use your idea for a layout for the community on that made up account.
2. Post the link to this ElJay in here, along with a screen shot of it.
3. Members vote on it.
4. ONE entry per member. No cheating by using other, old Eljay accounts that haven't been deleted. The only way you can use an old account that hasn't been deleted is if you're using that as the ElJay that you're putting the layout on.
Rules for Layouts
1. Please don't make a layout that has the area where the text is super tiny. That's really irritating.
2. Nothing racist or offensive.
3. Nothing that goes against the ideals this community was based on.
4. Don't use text sizes that are super tiny. Some of us have bad eyesight and have a hard time reading tiny texts.
5. No colors that make it difficult to read the text, IE. white text on a yellow background. That's hard to read, especially for those of us with less then perfect eyesight.
6. No stealing layouts from other ElJays.
7. No direct linking to photos in the layout. Upload all photos used to a
Photobucket account or some other hosting. The choice is yours.
8. When making a layout, make a banner and user icon to go with it. I like themes here people. Please try ot stick with one.
If you have any questions about this, please either comment on here or email me at bondage_bruiseatyahoodotcom
Be creative and have fun. I want this to be the best looking community on ElJay.