Feb 10, 2005 14:30
Birth Name:Antonia Anna LoConte
Nicknames: Nina,Neens, Nenn, Bo
Hair color: brown
Height: 5 ft 5
Where do you live: the dangerous streeets of Carlem
Birthplace Yonkers
Hidden Talents: Bone
Known longest: Ina
Smartest: Lauren
Biggest Drama Queen: Lauren..lol
Weirdest Conversations: Lauren
|Best hair: Shimmy
|Best eyes: Amanda
|Funniest: Bagel
|Best singer: Shimmy
|Most athletic: Bagel
|All around best: idk
|Deepest Conversations: Sam
|Always On Time: Bagel's mom
Do You
Bite Your Nails: not really
Stress: o yes, muchos
Take out Your Issues On Others: yes
Self Injure- (ex: cut, burn, pull hair: Niech
Flirt Too Much: i do wat i can
Have an Eating Disorder: no
Tend to Judge People: i try not to
Any Other Habits: my leg always shakes
Have you ever..
Pictured your crush naked: eh, not totally
Actually seen your crush naked: No
Been in love: No
Cried when someone died: Yea
Drank alcohol: No
|Fallen for your best friend: Fallen, like literally or like taken the fall?
|Been rejected: yar
|Rejected some one: in the 5th grade
|Been cheated on: no
|Done something you regret: yess
|Been In Jail: No|
|Hit a Boy: you bet
|Hit A Girl: yes, i have 3 sisters...
|Broken A Bone: technically it didnt break
|Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yessiree
|Fell asleep in the bath: all the time
|walked in on someone changing: Chungo
|Gone to Church: a few times
|Never slept during a night: yes, good times good times
|Seen someone die: wen i was in 2nd grade my bird died in my hands
|Thought you were in love: no
|Screamed at someone for no reason: all the time
|Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: not 4 am
|touched: Daddyo
|Hugged: Ryan
|You IMed: Gary
|You yelled at: freeking Clements or however u spell it
|Clothes: pj pants and a sweatshirt
|Music: West Side Story
|Make-up: nada
|Annoyance: my sis...lol
|Desktop picture: this blue starburst thing
|Book you're reading: not one at the moment
|With the opposite sex
|What do you notice first: butts
|What do you look for: humor
|Worst thing to say: idk...
|Do you have a crush: of couse
|Received a hug: yes
|Went to the theaters to see a movie: with my crush...no
Watched a movie at home: with my crush