They love to tell you ...

Nov 13, 2011 22:47

My mom had a customer come in to the restaurant for dinner and animatedly described her ten day stay at the W Hotel in St. Louis:

"Young girls! High heels! Short skirts! Long legs! Blonde hair! Big boobs! Attitude! Free Red Bull! The tiniest room I've ever stayed in they call 'boutique'! Tiny little lolly pops on a big white plate before dinner!

But your kids would love it."

You mean this girl? The tiny little Asian who dresses up as cartoon characters at fan conventions, who spent the weekend drinking with middle-aged authors in a converted warehouse filled with floor to ceiling bookshelves, a DVD collection of every geeky television show known to man, and half the Lego Store, and the next day listened to them talk for six hours about the craft of writing in a gorgeous library in the middle of nowhere, then proceeded to drop $80 on three hardcover books and have them signed, but whose highlight of the weekend was going to a local cafe to get loose leaf tea.

That girl?


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