Apr 18, 2004 21:09
Yep so spring break...Um it was pretty good actually. I was busy most of the actual break working but it was good for me. I need to stay busy or else I would have just been bored the whole week at home with nothing to do. I discovered that chasing toddlers around all day is a lot harder than it looks. They are cute for about 5 minutes and then their cuteness wears off and it just becomes a pain to have to constantly tell them to stop doing something to ask one of them to quit hitting the other. Bah, It was good exprience though. I really did enjoy the job at least. The kids were really sweet, just annoying at times. There are a few that I will actually miss. Lets see what else, it rained for the majority of my spring break as well so needless to say I did not get the tan I wanted. However I did get to lounge around outside yesterday and actually start working on my tan in my new bathing suit because it actually hit the....80s!!!!! Yes, that's right, it hit the 80s. Besides chasing kids and trying to tan I spent a lot of this past week with Luke obviously and just forgetting about school. I went to Busch Gardens yesterday which was awesome. Crowded as hell but still fun since we got to ride Apollos Chariot...woo loo loo! OH! How can I forget! I saw Yellowcard in concert on Tuesday. That was a really great concert and I was actually pretty close to them at one point except this stupid fat bitch kept hitting me trying to 'mosh' and wouldn't get the hint that I wasn't in the mosh pit...dumb bitch. But besides that the concert was great, they sang all the songs I wanted to hear. The only sucky part was not getting to see Something Corporate but it's all good. Yea, so that's my spring break. Rally is in 5 days I think and I'm going into Roanoke the weekend after that with Luke woot. Yea I'm busy. OH!!! My dad set a date for his wedding. Aug. 30, 2004....Luke's birthday, haha. Oh well, I'll be there since Luke will be out to sea. It'll be weird though, I dont really want to think about my dad getting married. Anywho, this is a really random entry so yea I'm ending it, later.