(FIC) Drabble - Chicken Soup for the Bedridden Soul

Jul 15, 2010 20:01

Title: Chicken Soup for the Bedridden Soul
Author: Evraealtana
Characters/pairings: Ryan, Esposito, faint traces of Ryan/Esposito
Prompt: “Quarantine” (castle100 )
Rating: G
Spoilers/author's notes: None =] yay.
Summary: Very few people are actually sick when they call in "sick".
Ryan was pretty sure it was the flu, but at this rate, he wasn't entirely sure he'd survive it.  All he knew for certain was that his life really, really sucked.

His partner stroked his hair softly and returned the cool towel to his forehead.  "Beckett wants you back on Monday, but not before.  You need the rest."

He looked up at his partner with a small frown, his watery eyes baleful, and pulled the covers up to his chin.  "I know, man," he said, wincing at the searing pain in his throat.

"I'm here, bro."

He paused; smiled; closed his eyes, reassured.  "I know."

fandom: castle, character: javier esposito, length: drabble, character: kevin ryan, fic

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