Dec 23, 2003 13:10
im so sick of writing! im writing my thank you notes for my bat mitzvah! ugh! theres so many! my hand is gonna fall off any moment...
*imagine that...shayna, the handless girl*
i cant wait until lizzie gets back. once she gets back, we can do something, and if we do something, steven can "come along" and if steven comes along...yeah, need i say more?
is christmas over yet? once its over, i get to go shopping at all the sales...ORGASM!!!
o ya, gonna start a club...
the "i hate TO, but not the people that im friends with in TO" club. wanna join? haha...u like that better meryl?
ok, i gotta go back to writing thank you notes...ugh...ttyl!
how do i put pics on this page? anyone? please help!