⇾ tvxq! | yunho/changmin
⇾ 3,391 words
⇾ PG
k_e_w_t "appa!" ha jung yells, sliding off the bench that's way too high for her and pulling her backpack off the table. it slaps against the back of her knees as she runs towards her father.
"hi sweetie," yunho calls, waiting for his daughter to run head first into his arms before lifting her up. "where's your brother?"
"oppa's playing with trains," ha jung says, and points to the school with a chubby finger.
yunho takes ha jung's backpack off her and gives it to his driver before walking towards the building, ha jung plucking at the lapel of his suit jacket as he does so. entering the little red bricked building, yunho spots his son on the floor, toy trains surrounding him, and laughing his head off. sitting opposite him is the kindergarten teacher, smiling widely as he watches the boy chortle.
"dae jung," yunho says, rapping once on the door. "time to go!"
"appa!" dae jung exclaims, jumping up and knocking railway tracks over with his feet. the teacher hastens to stand as well, and fetches dae jung's backpack for him.
"thank you for staying back and looking after them," yunho says, bowing his head towards the teacher. "i couldn't get off work in time."
the teacher waves it off, nudging the boy towards yunho with a gentle push on the back of his head.
"don't worry about it," he says with a smile. "it's a pleasure. your kids are delightful."
"bye-bye changmin-oppa!" ha jung sings, as yunho turns to leave. she waves over her father's shoulder, and dae jung follows suit, twisting around awkwardly to use his only free hand, the other being trapped in his father's. changmin gives the two a big wave, and smiles fondly as they clamber into the car, ha jung's feet half-dangling out the door as she climbs up into the vehicle. amongst all this, he manages to steal a couple of glances towards their father.
after fastening the children's seat-belts around them securely, yunho takes peek out the tinted window.
"he allows you to call him oppa?" yunho asks curiously, and ha jung nods cheerily.
"i can call him hyung too!" dae jung announces, a smug look donning his face. yunho chuckles and ruffles the boy's hair.
"appa! hurry! why are you so slow?" ha jung wails, stomping her feet.
"i'm coming, i'm coming," yunho says, and finally decides on a cologne.
"i don't want to miss the games, appa," dae jung whines, and tugs on yunho's pant leg.
"alright, alright! go to the car, i'll be out soon, i promise." yunho ushers them out of the room. the kids race to the car, voices loud and pitchy. yunho watches to see that they're safely in the car before he takes one last glance at himself in the mirror. he's too awkward in casual clothes, he thinks. he picks at a stray strand of hair for a few seconds before giving up.
his kids pull him into the car the minute he locks the front door.
"changmin-hyung~" dae jung calls out.
changmin, standing in the middle of the school yard and socializing with the parents that are already there, turns around at dae jung's voice. breaking out into a grin, changmin excuses himself and heads over. the kids latch themselves onto changmin, each twin grabbing onto a limb. yunho follows behind, one hand holding onto the kids' bags and the other busy smoothing out the creases of his shirt.
"nice to see you here, mr. jung," changmin says, turning to look over his shoulder. "your kids have been talking about this field trip for a long time now, saying how much they were looking forward to spending time with you."
ha jung screeches and slaps changmin's arm. "you promised you wouldn't tell appa that!"
changmin laughs and pokes ha jung's cheek. "your father deserves to know that you guys love him!"
dae jung pouts. "but that's so lame!"
yunho snorts. changmin releases the kids the moment they spot their friends, and along with yunho, he heads towards the 'adult table'. the other parents are busy conversing, but it seems that yunho's perfectly content watching his kids play in silence. changmin glances at yunho and takes a seat next to him.
"your kids are delightful," changmin says casually, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the twins.
"thank you," yunho says, a slight smile gracing his face.
"you've raised them well," changmin adds.
"it hasn't been easy," yunho admits. "but compared to some other kids i've seen, i agree." yunho ends his sentence with a wink.
changmin laughs, but before their conversation can proceed any further, their excursion bus turns the corner and pulls up in front of the school. the kids squeal in excitement and rush towards changmin, who has to resort to placing his palms on foreheads in order to prevent himself from being trampled. after calming the kids down and arranging them into two straight lines, changmin gestures for them to board the bus, telling them to 'sit with your partners!'
the parents board next, husbands ditching their wives for other husbands and vice versa. changmin's the last one to board, and after checking to see all the kids are on board, he turns around to take his seat. the only available seat. beside jung yunho.
not that it's much of a problem.
the bus ride's a long one; a couple hours. half the kids get antsy midway through, and their parents have to hurry to appease them with snacks, games, or a mix of the two. yunho doesn't budge though, due to the twins not fussing whatsoever. changmin twists around in his seat to glance at the kids, and satisfied with what he sees, he leans back, makes himself comfortable, and watches as the scenery passes them by.
"can i ask you a question?" yunho asks out of the blue.
"you already did," changmin says, lips curving into a smile.
"were you ever married?"
"no," changmin replies, "why do you ask?"
"you're really good with kids, so i figured you would have prior experience," yunho says.
"my sisters have kids," changmin tells him. "and well, i can't exactly have kids the normal way, if you catch my drift. well, i can. but i don't want to."
"oh," yunho says, and turns pink.
after a moment of awkward silence on yunho's part, he stutters out a, "well, i'm sure whoever gets you will be a lucky guy."
changmin finally turns to look at yunho, and his eye sparkles. "thank you," he says. "likewise."
changmin falls asleep soon after, forehead resting on the heel of his palm. yunho watches out of the corner of his eye, torn between letting changmin be or being a gentleman and offering him his shoulder. but in the time it takes for him to decide, they reach their destination and changmin wakes. yunho clears his throat and looks away, eyebrows furrowing. changmin doesn't notice, simply jumps to his feet, runs a hand through his hair, and catches the kids' attentions.
"okay kids! we're here for a long time, six hours! that's a lot of time to play, right?"
"right~" the kids chorus back, and yunho grins despite himself.
"but first we have to eat lunch, okay? what do you want to eat?"
yunho has a feeling changmin already knows the answer.
changmin's laugh proves his theory right.
"mcdonalds it is!" changmin steps off the bus and the parents wait until the kids have hopped off before they themselves leave the vehicle.
changmin starts off leading the pack of little ones, but the moment mcdonalds comes into view, changmin steps off to the side and points to the main entrance.
"go on, i'll meet you all inside," he tells the kids, and watches as they run to the doors, their little feet pattering away on the asphalt.
changmin waits, and the parents slowly pass him, chattering amongst themselves, one eye on their kid(s). yunho's the last one, strolling leisurely, hands in his pockets. changmin joins him the moment yunho catches up to him.
"you're a quiet one, aren't you?" changmin says, falling into pace easily.
"i don't socialize much," yunho answers honestly. "i'm always too busy with work to make friends with fellow parents."
"i understand," changmin nods. "but everyone needs a friend."
"sure," yunho says, and changmin chortles before ushering yunho into the restaurant.
a half hour later shows the kids full with grease, happy meal toys in their hands. changmin collects these off them and leads them into the amusement park, where the kids break off from one another and returns to their parents. changmin gives them the meeting point and the meeting time, and turns his phone on to full volume before allowing the kids to roam free.
"changmin oppa," ha jung's voice floats up to him. changmin looks down. "come with us!"
yunho and dae jung stand a few feet away, and changmin can already spot the hopefulness in dae jung's eyes. well, what kind of person would he be if he rejected these two kids and their father?
"alright then, come on," changmin says lightly, and allows ha jung to wrap her little fingers around his pinky. he stumbles after a running ha jung, and dae jung's laughter booms behind.
"rollercoasterrollercoasterrollercoaster!" the twins chant as they spot one around the corner. yunho shakes his head affectionately and gestures for the twins to go line up.
"make sure you strap yourselves in! hold on tight!" he calls after them, and the twins nod furiously back at him.
"not joining them?" changmin asks, and yunho shakes his head.
"i'm not a theme park kind of person," he says, and changmin smiles.
"of course not."
"what's that supposed to mean?" yunho asks indignantly. changmin simply grins and doesn't answer.
when the kids come a-running back to them, faces red with exhilaration, yunho fishes out a bottle of water from one of the backpacks and hands it to them, leaving the two to squabble over who gets the first sip as he rummages around for the sun block.
"here, give me some, i'll deal with one kid while you deal with the other," changmin says, and reaches out a hand, palm up.
"i want changmin oppa!" ha jung demands, and dae jung pouts.
"i think my kids love you more than they love me," yunho says in mild astonishment. changmin lets out a giggle.
after the kids are coated with a liberal amount of sun block, the four of them move through the park, the kids breaking off ever so often for a ride; teapots, trains, pirate ships, you name it.
as they sit waiting for the twins to return from some airplane ride, yunho decides its time to start socializing.
"have you always wanted to become a kindergarten teacher?"
changmin shakes his head. "i majored in science, actually. i wanted to be in the bioscience field. but then my sisters gave birth, and well, my love for kids seem to be stronger than my love for science."
"well, i think you made a great career choice," yunho tells him, and changmin smiles.
"i think so too. i meet a lot of nice people through my job as well, which is another perk."
"yeah?" yunho asks, turning to look at changmin.
"yeah," changmin says. "i met you, didn't i?"
changmin smiles slightly before standing; the twins are returning. yunho watches as changmin pats away the sweat from their foreheads and pours more water into their mouths. when they start to walk on, changmin has to look back and give yunho an inquisitive look before yunho startles and makes to follow them.
"water ride!" ha jung shrieks, and points at the plastic log that's shooting down a slope before crashing into a huge pool of water.
"that looks dangerous," yunho says, looking at the ride apprehensively.
"this is a theme park for kids, yunho," changmin says, and yunho flushes.
"okay fine, go on," yunho says, and flaps a hand at the direction of the ride. "just strap yourselves in."
"okay, appa!" the twins chorus.
the adults make small talk as they wait. when the log containing the twins appears at the peak of the fake hill, they stop talking to watch.
it all happens within a matter of seconds. the moment the log makes contact with the surface of the water, a small body's ejected from the log. from the scream, changmin and yunho discovers that the body's ha jung. yunho's frozen to the spot, eyes wide in terror as ha jung sails through the air and falls back into the water, a crash much louder than the one made by the log. changmin, on the other hand, is already on the move. leaping over the railing that marks out the viewing area, changmin jumps off the ledge and dives into the water, making his way over to ha jung's immediate area. he covers the distance in no time, and yunho grips onto the railing so hard his knuckles turn sheet white.
changmin disappears under water for such a long time that yunho's afraid something's happened to him, too. but when changmin resurfaces with an arm around ha jung's chest, yunho breathing slows down to a more normal pace. there's a crowd forming, and when changmin nears the edge of the pool, a few hands reach out to support him out of the water.
changmin thanks them all hurriedly before he carries ha jung over to yunho. dae jung joins them not long after, face pale and tiny hands tightening around the hem of yunho's shirt. yunho picks up dae jung, strokes his head and works on comforting him as changmin busies himself with performing CPR on ha jung's small frame.
when ha jung begins to heave and cough up water, a collective sigh of relief can be heard from the crowd. yunho nearly collapses due to relief. changmin sits back on his haunches, slightly out of breath, and brushes strands of wet hair out of his eyes hastily.
ha jung's a trooper though; she doesn't cry, doesn't freak out, just turns onto her side and hacks up some more water. changmin picks her up and thumps her back, and when she's sure all the water's out of her lungs, she tugs on changmin's sleeve and asks for a dry shirt. yunho lets out a shaky laugh.
at the end of the trip, changmin's got leaves in his hair and a wet spot on his waist that won't dry. ha jung's curled up in yunho's arms, and dae jung's glued to yunho's leg. the other parents are mortified upon hearing what happened to ha jung, but changmin reassures them that she's alright and that it's just an unlucky incident.
the minute the bus pulls out of the theme park's parking lot, the kids are all asleep, and the parents are quieter than usual. dae jung's in changmin's lap and ha jung in yunho's, and they're all asleep in no time, lulled by the hum of the bus' engines.
about 45 minutes through the ride, yunho wakes to find that ha jung's awake as well.
"how're you feeling?" yunho asks, pinching ha jung's cheek.
"good, appa," ha jung chirps.
"anything hurt?"
"nuh-uh," she responds. "changmin oppa saved me, right?"
"yes," yunho says.
ha jung grins and shuffles around in yunho's lap.
"hey," yunho begins, and ha jung looks at him curiously. "do you want changmin oppa to live with us in the future?"
ha jung's eyes widen and she nods rapidly.
"want to help?"
her head turns into a bobblehead.
yunho leans down and whispers something in ha jung's ear.
changmin stands by the brick wall and watches as the families climb into their respective cars and drive away, waving back to the kids as they wave sleepily at him.
"oppa," ha jung says, prodding changmin in the calf.
"hi there," changmin says, and crouches down to look at ha jung at face level. "are you feeling okay?"
"yes," ha jung replies, and plucks a leaf out of changmin's hair. "can i ask you a question, oppa?"
"sure," changmin tells her.
"will you go on a date with appa?"
changmin looks from ha jung to a pink-faced yunho a few meters away. turning back to ha jung, he gives her a smile and says, "why don't you ask your father to ask me himself?"
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