May 14, 2010 13:48
Well, fedex has my package to be sent to EM-HE. Cost me $51.75 send it out! My family is worth it. The gift I received from my son is worth it. But it really is nothing more than a lottery fantasy. How many more deserving families out there have applied? Thousands I would guess. Even millions maybe, especially in this economy.
But, I get to fantasize a little for the moment, until it's time to face reality again, my vacation is almost over.
You know, I'm a simple person, with simple wants, desires, hopes. I don't want for much, and more than anything else, I want my family and friends that live under the roof that I provide to be safe comfortable and enjoy the things in their lives that make them happy, to succeed. No matter what, I will never stop trying to make that happen.
So what if it cost me $51.75 to play that lottery? To me, just to have a chance to make life better for my family is worth it.