Jan 03, 2010 16:20
There is no doubt about it, you just have to look at the headlines to see evidence: people killing their whole families, going on rampages, committing suicide, and committing acts of terror. The sad part is that we read the headlines, reflect for a moment, or even feel a bit of sadness, and yet we move on to the next headline and get on with our lives.
I sat one day and thought about it, as I often sit and think about things that many don't understand trying to make sense of it all. Trying to figure out why it's happening.
I've come up with a theory, and though some would say I'm the one that is crazy, there are many that would agree with my theories because it is the only thing that makes sense.
I will try to explain it as best as I am able, but it's going to take a little bit to get there, so be patient with me.
If ancient literature (namely the Book of Genesis) is correct, we are made from this earth... literally (Gen 2:7). It would make sense then, that we maintain a "connection" with it.
It would also make sense that we maintain a connection with "The One" who breathed life into us and gave us our spiritual side, our soul.
It would further and finally make sense that we would also maintain a connection to the two that we have descended from therefore a connection to each other.
Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist who founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology. He believed that the human mind consisted of three parts: "das Es," "das Ich," and "das Über-Ich" ("the It," "the I," and the "Over-I") , widely known today as "id," "ego," and "super-ego".
The id ("das Es," )-
It is the dark, inaccessible part of our personality, what little we know of it we have learnt from our study of the dream-work and of the construction of neurotic symptoms, and most of this is of a negative character and can be described only as a contrast to the ego. We all approach the id with analogies: we call it a chaos, a cauldron full of seething excitations... It is filled with energy reaching it from the instincts, but it has no organization, produces no collective will, but only a striving to bring about the satisfaction of the instinctual needs subject to the observance of the pleasure principle.
[Freud, New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (1933)]
…contains everything that is inherited, that is present at birth, is laid down in the constitution -- above all, therefore, the instincts, which originate from the somatic organization, and which find a first psychical expression here (in the id) in forms unknown to us
[Freud, An Outline of Psycho-analysis (1940)]
The ego ("das Ich," ) -
The ego is that part of the id which has been modified by the direct influence of the external world ... The ego represents what may be called reason and common sense, in contrast to the id, which contains the passions ... in its relation to the id it is like a man on horseback, who has to hold in check the superior strength of the horse; with this difference, that the rider tries to do so with his own strength, while the ego uses borrowed forces.
[Freud, The Ego and the Id (1923)]
The Super Ego ( "das Über-Ich" ) -
The Super-ego aims for perfection. It comprises that organized part of the personality structure, mainly but not entirely unconscious, that includes the individual's ego ideals, spiritual goals, and the psychic agency (commonly called 'conscience') that criticizes and prohibits his or her drives, fantasies, feelings, and actions.
[ Meyers, David G. (2007). "Module 44 The Psychoanalytic Perspective". Psychology Eighth Edition in Modules. Worth Publishers. ISBN 9780716779278.]
Freud achieved a more systematic classification of mental disorder :
"Transference neuroses correspond to a conflict between the ego and the id; narcissistic neuroses, to a conflict between the ego and the superego; and psychoses, to one between the ego and the external world"
- [Freud, "Neurosis and Psychosis" (1923)].
If you correlate the definitions of our Psyche then we would have:
Id- connection to the earth, our instincts, biological and material needs and desires
Ego- our connection to ourselves, each other, and to the “one”
Super Ego - connection to “The One”, “G*d, Universal Consciousness.
Freud said that the Id, and the Super Ego were unconscious states. Our Ego is said to be the conscious state: A state of awareness, and of chosen action.
Directly relating these states to connections the “earth” and the “one”, what is left is the conscious state or Ego. The Ego, being the only one that is “conscious” is the only one we “choose” which is what is purported to be the gift of the “one”- the ability to choose.
If you accept that the other two are unconscious connections, and therefore connections that we do not choose, but just are, then the Ego is directly affected by the actions of the other two.
Thus, you can hypothesize that any one of these being out of balance would cause an altered mental state. Disconnect one connection or the other (and sometimes both) then you have only the Ego left, our connection to each other.
At this point you are either saying “I can’t follow this” or you are saying “Wait a minute, something is wrong” (I’m betting on the latter).
Without the other two connections there is no existence right?
That is if you accept that the other two are unconscious connections, connections that we cannot sever, unless we do it consciously.
Let’s back up a minute.
Back to Genesis... or something like that…
We, as a nation, being founded on “Chr*stian” ideals, are generally only aware of the “Chr*stian version of the stories of Creation, but there are many others.
In 19th century Louis Ginzberg undertook the task of arranging the Haggada (the Jewish traditions which have grown up surrounding the Biblical narrative) into chronological order. He published the book “The Legends of the Jews” in 1909. These stories are scattered throughout the Talmud and the Midrash, and other sources, including Jewish oral tradition.
There is a section describing the creation of Man:
“When at last the assent of the angels to the creation of man was given, God said to Gabriel: "Go and fetch Me dust from the four corners of the earth, and I will create man therewith." Gabriel went forth to do the bidding of the Lord, but the earth drove him away, and refused to let him gather up dust from it. Gabriel remonstrated: "Why, O Earth, dost thou not hearken unto the voice of the Lord, who founded thee upon the waters without props or pillars?" The earth replied, and said: "I am destined to become a curse, and to be cursed through man, and if God Himself does not take the dust from me, no one else shall ever do it."
This seems to infer that the earth is, or has a consciousness of its own. There are many Pagan and American Indian traditions, among others, that refer to the earth as “Mother Earth” and they to infer that She has a consciousness. Can we accept that? Well, we accept that “G*d” is a consciousness, so why not the earth? We can accept that “G*d” is a consciousness that speaks through unconscious channels, why can’t we accept that the earth is a consciousness that also speaks through unconscious channels?
This is where the battle starts, and why I believe we are seeing the headlines we are seeing.
There is a lot of mystery surrounding the date 12-21-2012. No one can deny that they have heard something about it. Some even say that many religions, seers, prophets, and the like say something about it. Ask mostly anyone and they will tell you that "deep inside" they can "feel" something coming, most not only what "it" is, but why we are feeling it.
Among the followers of the teachings of Abraham (i.e. Jews, Muslims and Chr*stians) it is some sort of gloom and doom for everyone that doesn't follow their teachings (Armageddon).
Among the Mayans, Incas, Pagans, Hindu and the Hopi it is "The new Sun", the "New Age", "Age of Enlightenment", etc.
The question is, are we feeling "it" because we have been taught or told "it" is coming, or because we actually "feel" it, either physically, psychically, or spiritually. We have been taught that it can be only one and not all three! With so many possibilities, is it no wonder that we don't know what "it" is?
The reason "humanity is going crazy" is simple. Through many hundreds of years we have been taught to subvert, deny and ignore at least one part of us that makes us intrinsically human. Through various teachings, we have taught ourselves to ignore or deny the existence of at least one of the three elements, our connection to the earth, our connection to each other, or our connection to "The One". As we approach this so called end time date of 2012, each is fighting to be heard, but we are only listening with a half-hearted ear, because we are either subverting, or denying the existence of the others. Those that cannot resolve the existence of the others, those that are hearing the voices of the others for the first time are snapping.
The reason humanity is going crazy is we are forgetting what it is to be human.
Almost anyone will agree that there are three parts to being human: the biological part, the instinctive part and the spiritual part. Unless these three parts are accepted as being integral with each other, and work in concert, then part of one's humanity is lost, resulting in insanity and craziness. It only takes one of these parts to be out of balance and chaos ensues.
We practice, and are taught to practice, and taught that it is "right" to practice certain behaviors to reach spiritual and moral "righteousness", but we might as well be practicing the exact opposite.
According to Chr*stian belief, there are seven deadly sins, those we either must not practice, or pay penance for because we have engaged in that sin. It is how some of the "sins" are avoided, that might as well be practicing the "sin" itself.
As we all know, Chr*stianity has borrowed or adopted from religion that existed prior: Judaism. The "original" list comes from the Book of Proverbs ("Míshlê Shlomoh" in Hebrew, part of the Tanakh or Hebrew bible).
In the Book of Proverbs, it is stated that "the Lord" specifically regards "six things the Lord hateth, and the seventh His soul detesteth.":
* Haughty eyes
* A lying tongue
* Hands that shed innocent blood
* A heart that devises wicked plots
* Feet that are swift to run into mischief
* A deceitful witness that uttereth lies
* Him that soweth discord among brethren
The modern concept of the Seven Deadly Sins is linked to the works of the 4th century monk Evagrius Ponticus, who listed eight evil thoughts in Greek:
gastrimargia, porneia, philargyria, lype, orge, akedia, kenodoxia, and hyperephania
They were translated into Latin:
Gula (gluttony), Fornicatio (fornication, lust), Avaritia (avarice/greed), Tristitia (sorrow/despair), Ira (wrath), Acedia (acedia), Vanagloria (vainglory),and Superbia (Pride).
***Note: Acedia is a word from ancient Greece describing a state of listlessness or torpor, of not caring or not being concerned with one's position or condition in the world.
In AD 590, some years after Evagrius, Pope Gregory I revised this list by combining sorrow/despair into acedia, vainglory into pride, and adding extravagance and envy, while removing fornication from the list.
The modern day list of the seven deadly sins is Lust, Greed, Sloth, Anger, Pride, Vanity and Envy. This is the list that the so called Chr*stian "moral compass" is derived from, and which the practices to keep from committing theses acts is abstinence, fasting, praying, and the paying of tithes to "The Church".
The practices touted by "The Church" go against the biological needs of humanity, throwing off the balance of biology by "practicing the opposite" of the "sin". And we are taught this from the very youngest of ages!
These beliefs and practices have become so ingrained in our society that what is biologically necessary has been socially accepted as dirty: Nudity, sex, and masturbation to mention the most obvious few. It has become so socially acceptable to abstain from these behaviors that is now socially unacceptable to practice these behaviors, and more importance has been laid on refraining from these natural acts.
We are asked by society to suppress these desires, sending the mental state of most people into a state of chaos. Sometimes, as we are seeing more and more lately, when the biological desire is suppressed for so long, when it comes out, it comes out in a violent, uncontrollable and ugly way.
But this is only part of the equation.
In the same way that we are suppressing our biological needs, we are suppressing and denying our instinct, sometimes referred to as the six sense, clairvoyance, intuition, and gut instinct. We have been taught that either it is non-existent, or that it is attached with some sort of "evil" or sin. We have been methodically taught that these feelings have no place in our existence, and that we should ignore and deny them.
We have been methodically taught, and teach each other, for centuries now, the methods of how to become insane.
But some of us have learned that some of what we have been taught is only leading us into the state of insanity, and have also learned how to bring ourselves back into balance.
Gopi Krishna (1903 - 1984 )was a Hindu master who managed to reach a state of enlightenment called a Kundalini Rising.
The Hindu's believe that we are all but a smaller part of a greater consciousness. They believe that through various methods of meditation, mantras, etc that we would be able to connect with this consciousness by raising the Kundalini Serpent energy that resides in the base (or sacral) chakra up and through the other chakras that exist in various parts of our body, through the third eye and finally to the universal consciousness.
What was different about Gopi Krishna from other Hindu masters is that he didn't start out his life in the religious area. As a matter of fact, his father renounced it! He was educated, far more educated in science and biology than most Hindu masters, as they usually enter into the path at a very young age. In addition to all of this, his rising was spontaneous, meaning, it was not something he was seeking, or working towards, using the traditional methods taught by the religion. And finally, what made his Kundalini rising so spectacular, and why we know about it, was not only was he able to raise it, but he was also able to maintain it, and write about his experiences.
Gopi Krishna theorized that the brain was in a state of organic evolution, and that the rising of Kundalini into the brain would open a normally silent chamber (brahma-randra in the yogic tradition). Krishna wanted to promote the scientific investigation of Kundalini. One organization has picked up his wish to further investigate the lives of saints, geniuses and inspired people: the Institute for Consciousness Research
Gopi Krishna used methods said to be against what he had been taught to maintain this enlightened state. He found that the traditional methods of meditation, abstinence and fasting used to reach and maintain this state weren't entirely right. He maintained this state by "keeping touch" with his biological side, and feeding and fueling its needs, despite that fact that his faith said that this was wrong. One of the "side effects" of reaching an enlightened state is losing interest in all material things, and all biological needs (hunger and sex being the primary of those). Gopi Krishna continued to nourish himself by eating, and sate the beast inside us by continuing to have sex with his wife, and he continued to stay in touch with others by being a teacher and an advocate of social change. By doing this, by paying attention to not only his spiritual connection, but his biological and instinctive connection, not only was he able raise the serpent, he was able to maintain it, and stay sane.
Raising the Kundalini serpent, as I have discovered, is not a hard thing to do, as many have done it, and there are several websites out there were people have discussed their experiences. What I have found is after raising the serpent, and returning from that connection that many people suffer from various types of maladies in the form of mental illness: bipolar disorder, depression, Schizophrenia and the like. Some experience have documented that it was like entering hell, fire, brimstone, demons.... the whole nine yards. I've concluded, by reading many accounts from many different people, that the reason for this is simple...we have been methodically taught that certain things are representative of the opposite of the divine (i.e. Satan, sin, moral compass etc), and in this teaching our minds are not open to what it is that we see when we touch the universal consciousness. We've already been "taught" what these things "mean" rather than being able to view them with an objective eye, and being able to use our instinct to resolve what it is that is “seen”.
I’ve noticed a pattern among those that have had either terrifying experiences during the Kundalini raising, or mental illness afterwards: those that adhere to the beliefs taught that subvert, suppress or deny the existence of the other connections are out of balance, and therefore cannot resolve the connection that they have made. I also believe that once the connection has been made by the Kundalini Serpent, at least a small part of it remains. If the connection has already been perceived by the one who raised it and defined as something other than the connection that it is, and they cannot resolve that connection as part of what it means to be human, the psyche fractures.
As the earth changes, because we have a connection to it, some believe we feel the changes, but because so much importance has been put on the spiritual side, we are taught to either ignore it, deny it, or credit it to "the voice of G*d", and not to the source.
There is absolutely no doubt that there are changes happening to this planet. There is absolutely no doubt that solar flares, cosmic dust, and cosmic electromagnetism is increasing. This has been proven by our scientific community. Yet, most of us believe that it is not having an effect on us, despite the fact that we can feel it! We can see the evidence that it is changing our planet, through global warming, increased activity in the tectonic plates causing earthquakes, volcanoes to erupt, Artic ice to melt, and seas to become warmer.
As the biology of the planet changes it is not only changing the biology of the planet, but the biology of the creatures that dwell upon it. As biology changes, so must the other aspects of humanity change to keep it in balance. It is the refusal to change, or the ignorance of the changes, or the inability to accept and resolve the changes that are happening that is causing all this craziness.
We deny the existence of Freud’s Id or the Super Ego, or both; we deny the existence of either the voice of Earth, or the voice of “G*d”, or both and only left with the Ego… as Freud laid out in his theories, we’ve taught ourselves to go insane!