I just got home from The Road Adventure, Part 3. The Hubby went through part 1 this weeked at the same time so there has be a lot of raw emotion around my house this weekend. This has been such a blessing to me. I don't know how to explain it at all w/o possibly ruining it for anyone who might thing about going. It is SUCH a mind blowing, life changing, priority shifting experience that there really isn't a way to explain it. I thought I had dealt w/ a lot and figured out a lot going through the first 2 parts, but part 3 really put everything together and set the ball rolling. For those of you who have "issues" be they large or small or you think you have already dealt w/ your issues, go check out
www.theroadadventure.org They have so much to offer and it is all done in love.
and for
nytemare1456 , I am so proud of you! I can see the changes in you already and I am so glad you chose to give this a try. I love you.