May 20, 2005 02:24
2:30am im f*cking tired - again
sorry for swear but
i just so god damn fucking hate speech class
f*ing assessment kept me up all night again (wrote 5 pages) and i was tired like sh*t cuz i hardly got any sleep this week and im getting sick too so i'd really f*ing need my sleep; god it's pissing me off
fucking speech class
fucking redicilus assessments
my tinitus (ear whistle) got worse, i hope it's gonna get better
those things get worse when you get too much stress and too little sleep, and usually they dont get better - but as far as i remember it got better for me most of the times
it's pissing me off how im getting sick just because some random dumbass thinks i'd need to do all this crap work thats just a waste of time anyway; if i'd at least achieve something in exchange; but it's just unecessary, so totally f*ing unecessary