Hi everyone,
I produce a free video series called 10 Minute Astrology and post it at my website (with youtube, etc. posting a few weeks after it appears on my website). Episodes 1-3 can be viewed on youtube and at my website:
http://www.heavenlytruth.com, but you can now see episode 4 as well. This is beginning astrology but is good for review for people who are self taught through books, to help fill in holes.
Episode 4 is available at my website if any of you are following the series. Episode 4 deals with the sun's purpose in a natal chart. Even if you think you know, a detailed look and an example of positive and negative expression, might be a good eye opener. Enjoy! Tell me what you think if you like. Go! (crossposted like mad - sorry)
heavenlytruth.com Mo