evolutionary astrology podcast

Dec 16, 2008 14:30

hi people,
just about to post episode 5 of "unraveling karma" to itunes. i use the podcast to illustrate the principles of one branch of evolutionary astrology, answering questions from the standpoint of karma, conditioning, past lives and aiming to help people see how to change a pattern if something in life isn't working. these are usually ten-minute analyses, so you get a taste of how to look at the chart in this way.

using astrology as a symbolic language that shows where and in what ways people have free will, choice and responsibility is the future of astrology, so you might as well get on board already. astrology is the most useful second language anyone can have, and the evolutionary dialect is the one most reflective of how complex and conflicted people can be.

here's a rundown of the first 5 episodes:
1: series intro. julia asks about the karmic root of a mental health issue. charity asks if major life changes she's undergoing support her life path.
2: felicia asks about her weird effect on men and if it's related to her 12th house lilith-neptune conjunction. i talk about the chart & journey of friend who's unraveled a ton of karma over the last few years.
3: the first part of a talk called "unraveling karma" i gave in LA in late 2007, including one example chart. i go into detail about what karma is and how to change it.
4: the second part of the talk consisting of two example charts.
5: lori asks about the karmic roots of a health issue. kit asks about what he can expect if he were to move to paris.

subscribe here: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=292700813
listen without subscribing here: http://tdjacobs.com/blog/?cat=15

send your questions to karma at t d jacobs dot com with your full birth data. looking forward to hearing from you!

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