Sep 08, 2015 22:15
I've been gluten free for about a week. It's hard to discuss this with anyone because most people think the whole gluten thing is just another passing diet fad, or I'm just a crazy hippy over-obsessing about my diet. So I'll write about it here. I've done a lot of self experimenting, and have definitely come to the conclusion that gluten affects me like a drug. (it's easy to figure this out, working at a doughnut shop) A blissful, calming high followed hours later by extreme irritability, fatigue and brain fog. I've been mostly gluten free for about a week now. And the withdrawal symptoms are even more unpleasant than gluten itself. But almost immediately after giving up gluten I felt more focused and motivated, and better able to communicate, and my cravings for sugar have almost dissapeared.
My Gluten withdrawal symptoms so far:
-almost constant headache
-joint pain, body aches
-strange "buzzy" feeling all over my body
-sore throat
Good, happy foods:
-Meat, especially fish and beef
-leafy greens
-coconut oil
I eat a lot of burritos and sushi.