(no subject)

Nov 04, 2007 18:06

Dear Prince of Tennis Fandom,

The title of the darn thing has tennis in it, guys. So, um, why is the tennis gone? And I don't mean mentions of it in 'his doubles partner' descriptors either.

Just... remember that the boys' world kind of revolve around tennis and not their romantic lives, mmkay? They think about tennis. A lot. In fact, most of them obsess over it. Especially if the fic is set during canon. Especially if the character is Tezuka or Echizen.


No love,

PS: Also, why is there NO Atobe/Oshitari good fic (with or without tennis) at all? Ones in which they both act in character and not as weepy ukes in love with Tezuka or porn stars! -flails-
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