Drabble Requests

Oct 05, 2005 12:42

Every person on your flist gets to request a (brief) drabble from you. In return, they have to post this in their journal. Post all fandoms you're willing to write for. Your friends can pick a relationship, a story arc, a missing scene, or pretty much anything they want, unless the author has previously mentioned that they will not write it. They comment with what they want, and you write drabbles and post it in your LiveJournal.

Drabble, for me, is around 100-700 words. It really depends. And seriously? You don't have to be in my flist.

The only fandoms I'll write for are Gundam Wing and Hellsing. For Hellsing, any character or pairing is alright, as long as it's not completely 'WTF-ish', like DocxAlucard. ... Nightmares!

For Gundam Wing... Well, I'm picky about this fandom. What pairings I will write: 13x5, 6x5, 13x6x5, 13x6, 5x4, 2x5x2, 1x5x1, DxRxD, 1x2x1, 1x3x1, 2x4x2, 1x2x3x4x5. I can't write het, most of the ones I tried ended up sounding more like siblings than anything else. Very childish siblings. >>;

Anyway, character studies, friendship and such are all fine. And I may take a while, because of something evil called College Finals. They'll be done, though. I promise.

fics, gw, meme

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