[FIC] Ouran: Needs

Feb 16, 2007 14:54

I believe I said something about NOT WRITING ANY MORE MORI/KYOUYA. I don't know where, but I remember saying it. Clearly.


So hey. More Mori/Kyouya Ouran fic. Why yes, I'm out of hiatus. The Prince of Tennis AU is waiting to be transcribed. Mei's War AU is still struggling in my brain, but it's going to be written down. Work is slowing down for me. Which means more time for fics! YAY! Cheer, damnit.

So anyway! Now that the Reveal is over at yaoi_challenge, I can post this here. This is for The Instigator, aka shayheyred. Please do click on the (fake) cut.


Characters/Pairings: Mori/Kyouya, with mentions of the Host Club
Rating: PG
Words: 2036
Summary: There are things Mori needs that Honey can't give him. And there are things Kyouya needs that only Mori understands. Four scenes; four revelations.

( Needs )

AND! Just so I won't annoy the fuck out of you with this completely useless entry... here, have some recs.

For meeeeeee:
Hunger [PG-13], by miss_arel. Hakkai/Gojyo art. Bondage. Smoking. Really, really fucking hot. Go click on it already.

Phantom Fire [NC-17], by sister_coyote. Roxas/Axel. In which Roxas in not a nice boy. I love the emotions in this , and how hot the sex is even though it's not all that explicit. I really like this, because it shows what a nasty boy OrganisationXII!Roxas is, and how Axel really has no self-preservation, and that he is a completely different person around and about Roxas. Many ♥♥♥s.

Not for me, but I still love them anyway:
and the sun, it's finally rising [NC-17], by postingwhore. It's my Tenipuri OT3. With crossdressing. Kimono research. Stupid!Sanada. Yanagi actually being there and being part of the trio instead of Sanada/Yukimura and Yanagi. How they are a threesome instead of a triangle. How they are so much of a trio even in their college days. Allusions of the past tennis days. And cameos from the rest of the club members. I'm babbling and not very good at describing SO GO READ IT ALREADY.

More Like Ourselves [R], by daegaer. It's WK fic by daegaer, what more rec do you need? Oh hell. I love the dynamics here, and Nagi's flailing and the swearing that Schuldig does and how Crawford and, to a lesser extent, Farfarello is just there even though he doesn't have much of a role and oh, the ruthlessness and assassin-stuff and the Aya cameo and just EVERYTHING. Go read it if you like Schwarz. It's glorious.

Blame the Moon [Worksafe], by hibem. MY FAVOURITE FIC OF THE WHOLE THING. Really, it's just that good. It's Saiyuki, Nii/Koumyou, but it's AU without really being AU. Reincarnation fic. Past lives. Koumyou being cryptic. Nii being himself. And. And. And just the language and the descriptions and just everything. Go read it even if you don't know Saiyuki. It's gorgeous. It deserves more comments. It deserves to be gaped at. Wow. Just... wow.

Falls the Shadow [NC-17], by laylah. Okay. I don't even like Xemnas or Saix all that much. But this? This WINS. Saix as a prophet. Xemnas being his cold, 'I don't feel because I have no heart' self. Allusions to Axel. Beautiful language. Just... everything. The tone, the atmosphere of the piece just fits the characters perfectly. It's beautiful. I'm repeating myself. Go read it already.

A Clock, Hands, the Night [R], by mistressrenet. I don't like Yami no Matsuei much except for Muraki. This one has one line with Muraki, but I love it. Hisoka is grown up here, and Oriya has grown older, but it's so subtle and yet so there in all of their behaviours. And the ending is heartbreaking. And Oriya, god, Oriya breaks my heart again here. So beautiful. ♥s.

The Melancholy of Naoe Nagi [PG-13], by misura. This is just FUNNY. Schuldig/Nagi/Omi with a really meddling Crawford. Nagi with a crush. Schuldig being potty-mouthed and soft-hearted and trying to help but not admitting it. It's just awfully cute.

AND THAT IS ALL. Have a good day and please don't turn as insane as I am. Thank you.

ouran: mori/kyouya, kingdom hearts ii, recs, fics, saiyuki, ouran host club, yami no matsuei, weiss kreuz

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