[FIC] FMA: Nightmares

Jan 17, 2006 16:11

Um. My pairings have deserted me lately. There has been nothing but gen from me. WTF.


Characters: Roy, Fury
Rating: PG
Words: 569
Summary: ‘He didn’t ask, because he knew the answer already.’ Genfic.

He wondered how long it was since he had felt this deep, overwhelming fear. How long has it been since he was so terrified, when every nerve in his body screamed for him to run, to escape? How long has it been since he was only, just only, preventing his legs from bolting by sheer will?

Sweat broke out throughout his body, creating a fine sheen on his skin that glinted and shined in the light created by his deepest fear. All of the memories he had tried so hard to suppress welled up again, and it was all he could do to not run away screaming or collapse sobbing like a child. He stood still, and stared in morbid fascination.

Fire… fire… fire everywhere. The smell of burnt flesh and skin surrounded him, choked him, oppressing him in every direction no matter how he turned. He heard screams, and wondered, dazedly, if it was his own voice or another. He couldn’t tell any more. The sight of the fire burnt into his eyes, the smell of sulphur and carbon seared into his nose, the taste of fear on his lips and tongue, the surprised and pained screams and gasps that reached him even though he pressed his hands to his ears, the heat that seeped into his skin and seemed to cook him from the insides… All his senses were overwhelmed, assaulted brutally and he tried to run but found that he could not.

God… any God… I don’t want to die! Please don’t let me die!

“Colonel? Colonel! Wake up! You won’t want Lieutenant Hawkeye to see you like this, Colonel!”

Roy jerked, snapping his eyes open and lifting his head from the desk where it had been resting. On the edges of his slightly blurred vision, Sergeant-Major Fury hovered, biting his lip and darting his eyes towards the door every so often. It was also as if he was afraid that Hawkeye would come through the door any moment and shoot him for some reason.

Belatedly, Roy realized that he had fallen asleep on his desk. He raised a hand to his eyes, wiping away the tears he knew would be there with practiced ease. Hopefully Fury hadn’t seen the tears, but Roy doubted it.

He nodded, smiling sheepishly at Fury as he slammed his mask into place. Picking up his pen, he began to do the paperwork mechanically, without really reading what was written and simply skimming through the reports. It was an obvious dismissal.

Fury sighed, backing out of the office after saluting his commanding officer. Closing the door behind him with an unheard ‘click’, he wondered if the Colonel really thought that he hadn’t seen the tears, hadn’t heard the soft, incoherent murmurs and muttered ‘Sorry’s. Fury mused silently if the Colonel knew that his hand were shaking as he held the pen, and that it was obvious that he wasn’t really paying attention to the paperwork anyway.

But Fury didn’t ask, simply choosing to go back to the office he shared with his other teammates.

He didn’t ask, because he knew the answer already.

Out of their whole team, Fury was the only one who wasn't present during the Ishbal Massacre, but he knew the effects of it. He saw it almost everyday.

Out of all of them, Fury was the only one who didn’t wake up screaming of nightmares of death.

fics, fma

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