[FIC] GW: 1sentence, Zechs/Wufei

Dec 25, 2005 14:54

I took a long, long time with this because I am procrastinating. Crazily fluffy in some area, for some reason.

Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: Zechs/Wufei
Theme set: Gamma
Rating: PG-13

#01 - Ring:
The gold of Wufei’s wedding ring, given to him long ago when he married Meiran, seemed to dim in comparison to Zechs’ hair.

#02 - Hero:
Zechs and Wufei knew that there was a very thin line between ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ in people’s minds, and knew that they were standing precariously on it.

#03 - Memory:
It was their memories of him that drew them to each other at first.

#04 - Box:
Zechs stared, bemused, at the black velvet box placed on his desk by a blushing and scowling Wufei; he shook his head, it seemed that Wufei didn’t know how to propose properly.

#05 - Run:
Zechs ran, laughing uproariously as Wufei chased him, black eyes glinting in anger and mirth both as he threw a shoe at Zechs’ head.

#06 - Hurricane:
Wufei’s anger was like a hurricane, beautiful and dangerous and passing almost too swiftly and not swiftly enough.

#07 - Wings:
Wufei thought that if Zechs’ had wings, it would be black and red, tainting by ashes and blood, just like his.

#08 - Cold:
The mask was cold in his hands, porcelain drawing heat from his fingers, cracks cutting into his skin as he gripped it too hard, seeking comfort as tears ran silently down his cheeks.

#09 - Red:
Blood, Zechs’ blood, was red, too red, against the white of his face.

#10 - Drink:
Zechs’ favourite drink was Wufei, his kisses quenching his thirst faster than any liquid.

#11 - Midnight:
It was only after Valentine’s Day, when the clock struck twelve, that Wufei kissed Zechs, stating an abhorrence of the holiday.

#12 - Temptation:
Wufei twitched slightly as Zechs walked past his cubicle again, throwing his hair back again as he valiantly tried to complete his paperwork and fight against the temptation.

#13 - View:
The view of the city from the balcony of the Preventers’ lounge weren’t magnificence by any sense, but he didn’t come for the view, he came for Wufei.

#14 - Music:
Their music was the clashing of metal and flesh as they sparred, dancing across the wooden floor.

#15 - Silk:
Wufei was unreasonably afraid whenever he touched Zechs’ hair, silky soft as it ran over his hands and escaped his grasp.

#16 - Cover:
Wufei fidgeted, rubbing a hand over the too-short skirt he was forced to wear and silently cursed Lady Une and Zechs both.

#17 - Promise:
After a particularly dangerous mission, Zechs grabbed Wufei, pulling the smaller man against him as he made Wufei promise never to die before him.

#18 - Dream:
Zechs wondered just when did all of his dreams involve Wufei.

#19 - Candle:
The candles hurt my eyes, can’t we switch on the lights; Wufei, you have no romantic bone in your body whatsoever, do you; what does romance have to do with this; it’s called a candlelight dinner for a reason; oh… can we have a ‘lamplight’ dinner next time then; Wufei…

#20 - Talent:
Zechs realized that Wufei’s talent with his hands go far beyond manipulating Gundam controls.

#21 - Silence:
It was their custom to sit together in silence after dinner, basking in the presence of each other as they worked.

#22 - Journey:
Occasionally, when Zechs wanted to visit his sister, Wufei went with him, because he knew that Zechs never wanted to make the journey alone.

#23 - Fire:
Fire had taken away both their homes and innocence, but Zechs and Wufei had never seen it as something to fear; they saw it simply as a misused tool that could always be repaired.

#24 - Strength:
Their strength was more than physical, determination burning through them even when the world threatened to collapse on their ears.

#25 - Mask:
They had many, many masks, covering their emotions better than Zechs’ silver one ever could.

#26 - Ice:
Zechs moved like a dancer on ice, elegant and graceful; Wufei stumbled and slipped behind him, holding onto gloved hands as Zechs guided him slowly.

#27 - Fall:
Autumn was the prelude to winter’s chill, and Wufei was the steady fire to Zechs’ ice.

#28 - Forgotten:
They had never forget him, placing flowers at his grave to make sure that he would never be neglected.

#29 - Dance:
Dance with me, I can’t stand all those girls fawning over me any longer; I can’t dance, Marquise; I can teach you, it’s easy; no; Chang; fine, if you leave me alone after this; nod, slight smile, of course.

#30 - Body:
They’re scarred, white lines and red slashes crisscrossing their bodies; each scar told a story, and they usually spent time speaking of them until late in the night.

#31 - Sacred:
The dragon was sacred in Chinese culture, and Wufei was sacred to him.

#32 - Farewells:
Both of them were particularly bad at saying goodbyes, so they never said them, knowing and trusting that the other would return.

#33 - World:
The world had never done anything particularly great for them, but they tried their best to save it anyway.

#34 - Formal:
They were always formal with each other in public, taking a slight delight in confusing those who did not know them.

#35 - Fever:
When one of them was sick, the other would always be ready to sit at the bedside, medicine and a cool cloth in hand.

#36 - Laugh:
Their laughter was rare and precious, for they were both too serious to truly enjoy happiness sometimes.

#37 - Lies:
Lying to each other was forbidden, a taboo between them for they was lied to too often in their lives for such a thing to be allowed.

#38 - Forever:
They didn’t believe in forever, and always lived for ‘here’ and ‘now’.

#39 - Overwhelmed:
Wufei’s (confusing) culture and practices had always overwhelmed Zechs, and Zechs’ (snobbish) noble societal customs had always overwhelmed Wufei.

#40 - Whisper:
Their declarations of love were never loud, a meaning glance or a look, but, sometimes, when one of them required more comfort, a soft whisper would be enough.

#41 - Wait:
It was the most agonizing hour of his life as he paced in the waiting room when they rushed his lover into the emergency room.

#42 - Talk:
They could talk of every subject under the sun, always finding that their views coincide, but different enough that debates could last for hours.

#43 - Search:
It always amazed Zechs how Wufei had always managed to find what he searched for, including himself.

#44 - Hope:
‘Hope springs eternal’ had never applied for them, for they depended not on hope but their own determination.

#45 - Eclipse:
Zechs, ever a romantic, had once said that days without Wufei was like an eclipse, the darkness covering the sky as shadows fell across the Sun.

#46 - Gravity:
Their attraction towards each other seemed almost like the pull of gravity, pulling the Earth towards the Sun and the Moon towards the Earth.

#47 - Highway:
Long car rides along the highways were always enjoyable, if only for the fact that his lover was beside him.

#48 - Unknown:
Wufei never knew what drew him to Zechs, for it surely wasn’t just physical attraction alone; but when Zechs kissed him and fire burst in his veins, he realized that it didn’t matter.

#49 - Lock:
Zechs made a mental note to himself to never anger Wufei so much again, for he would be locked out of the bathroom.

#50 - Breathe:
Whenever Zechs kissed him, Wufei always forgot to breathe.

fics, gw: 6x5x6, gw, 1sentence

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