[Essay] In Defence of the Men of Gundam Wing

Aug 28, 2005 01:28

A sequel to yasterday's rant, if you can call it as such...

To dear fanbrats...

Right. I understand that you just watched Gundam Wing and caught nothing of the complicated plot, the ideals, the war and the meaning of peace. I understand that all you saw were hot bishies fighting each other and you decide to pairing up with OMG EACH OTHER!

Fine, you can write your 1x2 fic in which Heero and Duo lived together after the war. I won't stop you. But please, I'm begging you, stop bashing Relena! She may be an immature teenage girl in the beginning of the series, but she grew and matured throughout the whole thing. Do. You. Understand?

And Heero is NOT an emotionless bastard! For God's sake, fanbrat, he followed his emotions through the whole goddamn series! His frickking emotions isn't going disappear after the war! If you're going to write a 5x2 story, please, do not bastardize Heero. Wufei does not have secret feelings for Duo, and Duo would never be beaten up by Heero unless under serious circumstances. There are other, better, ways then to write a fic in which Duo was abused and raped by Heero and went to Wufei for comfort and fell in love with him. Heero, I repeat, does not abuse and beat up people for no reason. Do. You. Understand?

Duo himself, would never run to anyone for comfort. He would fight back. Duo has been through horrible things at a young age and managed to put his past behind and show a cheerful smile. He is a very strong person. He is not a weak, weepy uke who always cry on his seme's shoulders. No. Just. NO.
The real Duo would probably fight back instead of being beaten and abused. He is a Gundam Pilot, for God's sake! Do. You. Understand?

Trowa is not an emotionally deficient person. He would also not marry Catherine. She is his sister! Trowa tend to hide his emotions. They're repressed, they exist. And Quatre is not a crybaby that always fall in Trowa's arms after a fight. That guy fought a battle with a hole in his stomach and is in control of a company that's as large as an empire. He is not a wimp. He is the pilot's leader, for God's sake! Stop making him cry every time someone say something mean to him! Do. You. Understand?

Wufei is not a misogynist. He does not go around ranting about Justice, Injustice and calling women 'Onna!'. Wufei believes women should be kept from the battlefield, partly because of his wife, and partly because of his upbringing. He believes that the strong must fight to protect the weak. Wufei is also not a weakling. This guy saw his wife died, then his colony self-destructed in front of him without going insane and blowing up the colonies. And his colony also happens to say that they did it for him. He is not weak, he has an extremely low self-esteem. That's all. Do. You. Understand?

Gods, Zechs and Treize. Zechs is not a shallow guy that follows whoever that needs him. Zechs joined White Fang only because Sanc Kingdom fell. Sanc Kingdom is the basis of his whole damn life. His whole purpose was to resurrect it and let Relena be Queen. His everything collapsed in tiny pieces when Sanc fell, and he lost his purpose, his everything. Quinze offered a purpose, a new cause to fight for. That's why he joined White Fang. Do. You. Understand?

Treize... is not a child molestor, is not weak, and is not an Evil Dictator. He is a man with very, very high ideals that not even himself can follow fully. He headed Romafeller as the Sovereign of the Earth Spere United Nations not as an ego trip. He did it so be Zechs's foil, to become the figurehead, to be the essence of war. His name would be synonym with War. He betrayed his own beliefs by heading ESUN, for God's sake. He started the last battle to show people how meaningless it is, and so that they would all hate it. And just because he likes rose-scented bubblebaths and the opera doesn't mean that he's gay and weak. Do. You. Understand?

Please, my dear fanbrats, don't give them stereotypes. They cannot be labelled easily. Each character is very complicated, with their own set of ideals and values and beliefs. Grow up a bit, then watch it again, deal?

A GW Fan

x-posted to fanficrants

ranting, essay

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