Well, damn me. I do NOT like Mpreg. I think it's awful. AND I READ ALL THIS AND LOVED IT. Sean is still BeanySean, and Vigs is still Vigs. and the little lad is really just what they should bloody well have. How stupid it all is, but so marvellously written that it's right!!!! Darn you Evo, you get me smack bang in the middle of the floor. The very idea of a man having a baby ... well, ex-midwife etc... rebels, and yet I sympathised with the man the whole way through. And he was still Bean. Still the right Man tho having a baby and he didn't go all female and soppy and aarrrgghhuuuugghhh. ick. Good greef. good lord. And what a good idea to class them as Alphas and Betas and Omegas and so on. Kept them Male and Men-minded, men-shaped. Good lord. I did enjoy this.. I HATE Mpreg. but I loved it, really did. Nothing 'let's talk baby talk, and go all soppy and ' no way.. gorgeous. two blokes coping, and to have Mel come in and help like that, so nice of her. I am full of exclamations. Amazement. I bow sweet lady to your ability to make me swallow anything you like to dream up. And I will always come back for a double helping and then a third and ok, let's be a pig and not stop!!!! Bless you and I really did utterly revel in it. Crazy! Your erm... follower, Looloo.Blue.
I. Uh. Okay I am obviously incredibly childish because I still can't help blushing and giggling in embarrassment when I think about this fic at all and I am so, so glad you like it despite not liking mpreg at all, ahhh. I was exposed to Omegaverse through trawling through Sherlock fic and especially badfic (due to splix and my other friends, so I didn't make it up) and it is fascinating, but all of the characters who become Omegas become stereotypes of femininity and it is so, so annoying. Sean and Viggo are such masculine men so f course I have to keep them masculine - I like them this way. 8D
Thank you so much I'm just. Still blushing in embarrassment dfxgfdh. ♥!
PS: This is shameless, but there's a bunch of my other VigBean stuff over here. Honestly I don't think they are as good as cartographies, because that's kind of where I fully hit my stride with this fandom, but it might be interesting to you anyway. 8D
Thank you so much I'm just. Still blushing in embarrassment dfxgfdh. ♥!
PS: This is shameless, but there's a bunch of my other VigBean stuff over here. Honestly I don't think they are as good as cartographies, because that's kind of where I fully hit my stride with this fandom, but it might be interesting to you anyway. 8D
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