I ish new~ behold~
Name and/or Nickname: Raine [No, really]
Age: Rain, Stormy [pun on my name]
Likes: YGO cards, anime, music, hanging with my few friends.
Dislikes: preps.... jocks.. people who are shallow and judge by looks... school.. [tho I left...]
Strong Points: A good friend, trust worthy, loyale, funny =D
Weak Points: short temper, crude, blunt ..loads.
Pet Peeves: when people put the toilet roll on backwords....
Hobbies: cards.. anime.... doing nothing...
Talents: ..wait..me..talent? er... fanfiction!
Favorite Movie Genre(s): Horror!
Favorite Music Genre(s): Rock, Metal, 80's J-rock
Favorite Sport(s): ....
Favorite Animal(s): Frogs, bumblebee's sharkies~
Leader or follower?: It depends.... I guess follower for the sake of a quite life.. but I'm more of a loner.
Optimist or pessimist?: Pessimist! it's more fun being bitter and hating everyone XD j/k
Good or bad?: depends... was bad at school... and colledge... got fired.... hush I'm a good person.
You are called for a mission that could mean your doom. Would you accept or decline?: ..pretend to be alseep to avoid it.
After a deadly fight, you can only save yourself, or your most precious loved one. Who do you choose?: I dun't have many loved ones.. I guess it all depends..
By a twist of fate, you have fallen in love with the enemy. Do you chose your team, or him/her?: Just fawn over them.. I doub't they'd like me of all people XP -low self esteem-
Favorite X-Men: Evolution character. You can say why if you would like, but it isn't necessary: Lance.. Kurt.. Todd.. beast.. Rouge~
Piccu: it's the only one I could find <<;; bangs are now blue tho.