an icon and a few colourbars~

May 30, 2006 01:09

Hello I'm new~ I don't have ALOT to say right now... but I bring colourbars and an icon! pretty odd pairs too..

I have... Rogue X Todd , Lance X Todd and one I did for lost_her_sway .. Lance X Tabby.

Under cut~

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shadow_diva June 1 2006, 15:30:19 UTC
Ooh, welcome to the community! I thought it was pretty much dead, but glad to know there are people out there still lookng. :D So snagging the Lance/Tabby. They're one of my favorite Evo pairs. There's so not enough art or icons, and definitely not enough fic out there. :( *sigh* Maybe some day.

And while I'm at it, can I put in a request for a Ray/Kitty colorbar?


pipebomb_here June 1 2006, 15:35:43 UTC
Yes =D and thanks~ you'll have to provide me with pics tho XD sorry. I need 3 of each and a pic of them together IF possible..


shadow_diva June 1 2006, 15:39:39 UTC
Okay. I'll get them together this coming week. My e-mail address is on my profile. You can e-mail me with your address and I'll send them to you once I get them. :)


pipebomb_here June 1 2006, 15:41:20 UTC
Right =D might be easyer on AIM?

mines funkyfunky usopp =3


shadow_diva June 1 2006, 15:42:32 UTC
Right. Good plan. :)


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