Per.2 A.P. Gov. & Pol. Letter to P. Bush

Jul 06, 2006 15:56

After the 9/11 attacks over idea of national secutiry needed serious adjustment as so did American citizens agree upon. Some, ignorantly enough, tallied 47% "wanted their government to stop terrorism even if it reduced their civil liberties." Later on the numbers dropped to 31% as the people began fearing the expansion of government powers instead of this epidemic terrorism problem. Unfortuantly I do agree that the majority of U.S. citizens do not know of what they want or what the risk due to their lack of education upon this subject. Many people do not know of their own current events surrounding them or of decisions made by their government concering them. After the 2004 elections, citizens confessed not having any knowledge of the USA PATRIOT Act which indeed effects them all. I am agruing an over look upon your act. You may agrue that this act enables our safety from terrorism but I confess that it conflicts with our most important amdenments; our rights as citizens. I am not looking for a complete elimination of your act for it does have great causes towards our protection but I pled that they do not interfer with our rights. Must I tolerate "a little blood here, a little chomp their" for this "freedome of terrorism" when our own freedoms of speech, press, human rights, and the right to privacy are taken away? The fourth amendment protects my right in which our Founding Fathers conjured so inticatly to unlawful search and seizures. Despite my agruments, I do see the need to improve our own nations liberties because, as 9/11 showed us, terrorism may be at our door steps. However, we must find another way to protect ourselves without this intrustion. I believe greatly that you do have the power and mind to work with the people, after all, you are our president for a reason. There must be aother way then taking away our own freedoms. As a U.S. citizen, proud of the country I was born and raised in, I would find it unjust to be a victaim of an unlawful act even if it may be in the name of protection against terrorism. Whether it be unlawfully obtaining my records or searching my property without notice or any recognition I find that un-consitutional and an embarassment to my government. President Bush, you hold an amazing power to sway your people. Please use that power for the people and consider them when you think again about this Act. I recognize the pressure placed upon you to solve this problem for our own protection but you, as our leader, must find another way without taking away our rights. Thomas Jefferson once stated, "Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others?" Review this act carefully and please see how it conflicts with your people; the same people who have trust in you to be our president, to make the right decision.
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