"insert witzy comment"sweetpastaJanuary 24 2006, 08:20:34 UTC
Now I recognize Destiny :D But I love your darkisk-flowerish-texturish icons ; how do you make this (ex. 27 or 38) ? A lot of brushes, each one with a different color ? *must try new techniques and will browe (again) icon_tutorial
I made 1 and 1/2 icons (1 Cagalli and 1 Kira/Cagalli) but it's because of teletha and you, evil girls ! I prefer talk about KAS than making Cagalli icons :D I also made 5 AsuCaga mood themes, but I have to change the rejected one, or I'll be assassinated by the fans :p it features Athrun going to Minerva, leaving Cagalli behind in her undies...
*can't think of any* *in class now hahaha*aestalitzJanuary 24 2006, 09:22:26 UTC
I guess Destiny's hard to see. But it's wings are pretty! :D I used a lot of different layers, actually, and a colourful texture in each layer. As I mentioned before, my icons are usually trial and error. Once I'm satisfied with it, I just save it. XD
Well, being a girl, normally I prefer talking about guys too. :P Yesterday's spam was fun. :D Well, if you're making an AsuCaga mood theme.. so there's no choice? Either way, you'll still have to find a 'rejected' AsuCaga image :O
the bold titles look really ugly :(sweetpastaJanuary 24 2006, 10:44:29 UTC
Just to tell you that someone seems interesting by one of the RGB icons you posted on seed_chorus. I was looking at the pretty icons to find new techniques and I saw it. It's in the week 11 winners post.
See ? I can be serious sometimes. Don't mind me spamming your creative lj :D
If only we could change the colour or something... :OaestalitzJanuary 24 2006, 12:24:51 UTC
Really? I wasn't too satisfied with those RGB icons. :D;; And I'll put up a tutorial for one of those dark icons or something, if you want. (It's only in... six steps or so. XD;; See how lazy I am?)
No problem, I used to spam others' creative LJs too. Like iconsu. Check out one of the posts with over 300 comments. XDDD
I've changed my name !sweetpastaJanuary 24 2006, 12:42:24 UTC
Of course I'm interested :D In any case, I would have tried to reproduce it alone ^^ Except the Phantom Pain one, all my winning icons are made in few steps. I feel bad that my 1st place Meer from seed_chorus or my Lacus from seed_icontest were made in 4 layers ^^;; The same thing goes for Windy Athrun...
Speaking of icons (then, it's not spamming, because we are in a icon lj), I just saw your and teletha's userpics. Never went there before :P An, OMG, your comments are so funny XDDD
Did you see the comment I made (somewhere in the huge number of posts) in teletha's journal ? About PS. tell me if it works for you.
Whaddya mean 'brainwashed'?aestalitzJanuary 24 2006, 13:21:37 UTC
I'll try to get it down by the weekend if I'm not too lazy. :P The funny thing for me is, the icons I don't like tend to get placed, but the ones I like don't. XD Like teletha said, it's strange how people vote. :P
Hahaha, I need to fill up the empty spaces with something. D: I should think of more creative comments :D
I did! I haven't er... gotten it yet because I'm leeching off someone's wireless for the millionth time, so I'll get it when I get to use the modem. But thanks for it!
*must try new techniques and will browe (again) icon_tutorial
I made 1 and 1/2 icons (1 Cagalli and 1 Kira/Cagalli) but it's because of teletha and you, evil girls ! I prefer talk about KAS than making Cagalli icons :D
I also made 5 AsuCaga mood themes, but I have to change the rejected one, or I'll be assassinated by the fans :p it features Athrun going to Minerva, leaving Cagalli behind in her undies...
Well, being a girl, normally I prefer talking about guys too. :P Yesterday's spam was fun. :D Well, if you're making an AsuCaga mood theme.. so there's no choice? Either way, you'll still have to find a 'rejected' AsuCaga image :O
See ? I can be serious sometimes. Don't mind me spamming your creative lj :D
No problem, I used to spam others' creative LJs too. Like iconsu. Check out one of the posts with over 300 comments. XDDD
Except the Phantom Pain one, all my winning icons are made in few steps. I feel bad that my 1st place Meer from seed_chorus or my Lacus from seed_icontest were made in 4 layers ^^;; The same thing goes for Windy Athrun...
Speaking of icons (then, it's not spamming, because we are in a icon lj), I just saw your and teletha's userpics. Never went there before :P An, OMG, your comments are so funny XDDD
Did you see the comment I made (somewhere in the huge number of posts) in teletha's journal ? About PS. tell me if it works for you.
Hahaha, I need to fill up the empty spaces with something. D: I should think of more creative comments :D
I did! I haven't er... gotten it yet because I'm leeching off someone's wireless for the millionth time, so I'll get it when I get to use the modem. But thanks for it!
I have got the same problem. I remember a beautiful Athrun who didn't even appear in the choices ;__;
Btw, there is a cropping tutorial for PS, right now at icon_tutorial :D
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