Dancing - Bauhaus]
~We're dancing to the dark side of this tune~
I've found renewed vigor in writing my zombie short. It just hit me upon waking this morning.
It may be an untimely overhaul but this makes starting the first draft far easier. Back when my zombies looked at nothing more than a burgeoning population, I couldn't stomach my story. But now that they're treading on the abject, and this time a more personal premise, I find myself looking forward to the coming free time I'm setting aside to "sit on" this.
I'm afraid I may have to abandon any idea of keeping the script light and zombie romp-ish. If you've ever watched
Zombie Honeymoon (I know; uninspired title), it might get that heavy on the drama. But, no, I'll find avenues for more The Lost Boys type of
fun. There has to be a way to marry the two.
I watched
I intended to sit-in for Horror Film Class but I got to the Studio too late. I didn't want to crash. Instead, I borrowed and copied a download from
rockerwitch .
Can I say it was awesome? My brother is afraid of lone lights in the dark now.
Despite the lack of an apocalyptic climate, I enjoyed it much.