Broken | 13th June 2010 | 0317hr
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+ My eyes and heart are aching. This is by far the worst pain i've felt in 2010. I'm sick & tired of bottling up my feelings. But i'm left with no choice. This pain has been building up and i finally broke down. I'm heartbroken...and lost. Scared...and lonely. I want to get out of this space and be by myself! I want to go somewhere remote. An island where there's just me and nature. I want to be by myself. I want to lie on the shore and not speak at all. I want to hear the sound of the waves crashing, the rustling leaves and the howling wind. I want to watch the waves fold and the sun rise and set. I want to run under the rain when the sky gets dark. I want to stare at the moon all night long and not think of anything. I want to be happy and be treated fairly. I want to be fixed and be as good as new. I want to scream and wish for a miracle to happen. I want...
Actually, i just want to escape. Escape from EVERYTHING.