I wanted to pass this along to all my oldschool homies. There’s a new “gaming network” that has just been launched that allows it’s users to play ‘through’ most social networks, as well as interact with people on other social networks. For example, you can log into Mytopia on Facebook and play chess with someone on Myspace.
Sounds cool, except:
http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001081.html It’s so ironic to me that so many people have tried to recreate something that was so amazing almost TWENTY YEARS AGO. It was so before it’s time it’s not even funny.
At the very least, the map they used is such a complete ripoff, I’m sure they are getting lots of shit for it now. Considering that it’s quite possible the people working on this startup were 2-3 years old when INN was around. What probably happened is the artist for the map just stole that old map and redid it and it got approved by someone who had no idea.