Jun 13, 2010 10:00
- 12:18 I can hear cheering through the walls. Must be world cup! #
- 14:15 Tucker & Dale vs Evil: youtu.be/nx0GaB2EHUs - Brilliant idea: kids go camping in the woods, think hillbillies are trying to kill them #
- 14:18 I love that I accidentally set my birthyear to 2010 in a Steam age verification and now I can't change it back. Your loss. #
- 14:32 @ Totalbiscuit you guys have trouble filling games? I would like to try LoL, downloading and watching tutorials #
- 18:09 @ flatlinejack ... #
- 21:51 Just iced @skydart. She couldn't finish it!!! #
- 22:23 Mr @flatlinejack - green apple bite iced! #
- 00:48 Ok @skydart finished her ice so we'll forgive her. #
- 03:24 To everyone asking about what's going on (@oizys @kirkdiedrich et al) brosicingbros.com/ #