This makes me sad, and a little angry. It's not fair! Save the koalas! SAVE THEM! *sniffles*
Let's see, what else is going on? I joined a couple interesting communities today because they made me smile. Am concerned about
anti_religion, and I hope that she's OK. Am also concerned about
dubiousmuffin because I haven't heard from her in a while, and that makes me sad. WRITE TO ME KT-MOM! I NEED YOUR WARMTH!
Yesterday, while walking around Petsmart because I'm a nerd and I enjoy seeing other people's puppies, Thomas and I decided what kind of puppy we're going to get when we finally get one. And here it is:
A CHIHUAHA! But not one of those scary, fur-less ones. A fuzzy one. And he wants to name it "Robot", but I'm rebelling. I get to pick out the puppy, though. Or, rather, the puppy will pick us, it's just a matter of finding the one that picked us FIRST! It's all very confusing.
Thomas is sick. =( It makes me sad. He's at home, all cuddled up under the covers, and I made him take some Nyquil before he fell back asleep. I hope I don't get it, cause I can't afford to be sick.
Starting a new diet of sorts. Bought alot of lettuce and the like at the store, yesterday. Going to attempt to eat healthier in an attempt to start shedding a few pounds. Going to stop drinking caffienated beverages (I know, this hurts me too), and try to drink as much water as possible. I will do this even if it kills me. May Buddha have mercy on my soul.
Going to try and put in an ad on the Daily website advertising my apartment. Hopefully something will turn up. Keep your fingers crossed!
Must scamper off. Need to work soon, and must try and post that ad beforehand, because I have to work on a teaser trailer when I'm at work. Ciao!