Jan 24, 2004 15:20
I don't need livejournal.
In the past its done nothing but make things worse.
Ive slowly stopped using it recently until, now I dont need or want to.
I could go on each and every day for the rest of my life about leslie and the shit i have to deal with...
but it gets me nowhere. In fact it sets me back - because everyone takes it as truth.
If this is going to be the last time I make a post... then Im going to say something to everyone.
Whatever impression you have about me is wrong.
Weather its that Im a horrible monster who is out to make leslies life hell,
Or that Im just a good guy trying to make things right and done nothing wrong.
I fucked up alot... With the best intentions sometimes I made the worst mistakes.
Too bad people cant see that I realise that... and that they can actually look at it long enough to firgive me
enough to make things right.
For those who lurked and never said a thing... why?
I know theres people out there that do... but why bother yourself with it?
For those who did make comments... Im glad some of you can stand up to me.
And Im glad some of you can see things from a view other than hers.
Leslie... What I have to say to you cant be justified in text on a screen.
Everyone should know by now I just want to let you go. And if they dont, they do now.
And the only way I can, is by telling you what i have to say.
And until you hear it from me, I will never be able to put any of this behind me...
This hurts me more than it will ever hurt you.
That stuff said and done, even though I didnt get accepted into Japan Adventure - I am going to Japan.
On my own, with my own money... even though its only half of a dream come true.
I dont care who you are, or what you think of me... if you read this you cared for one reason or another, for one person or another.
Feel free to contact me.
AIM : mechpilot69
everything else you can get by asking me through either one.
Farewell livejournal.
I have nothing more to say to you.