Dec 20, 2008 00:24
Let's See.
3 days ago, I had the stomach flu. I was in and out of the bathroom every twenty minutes or so dealing with all the unpleasantries associated with such an evil, evil virus. It took me two days to sleep it off, and I really didn't get hardly anything done in the realm of work around my house, or trying to find a job. I had one interview, but it didn't go well due to me being honest about my lovely record of criminial mischief. Anytime I wasn't awake dealing with the flu, I was playing cards or trying to sleep it off.
Last night, I didn't get any sleep, but I started working on the house at like 3 in the morning. I didn't stop. I just started one thing, and let it roll over into the next, and so on and so forth, and I ended up practically finishing the house today for Christmas. I had a job interview at 2:15, and I'm almost positive that I landed this job, I have to call in the morning and find out. This job could lead to eventual internship status for when I return to school for Culinary next semester.
Boss Up.
Oh and I defeated Tom and the Myspace demons, and have access to MY SPACE again.