Apr 29, 2005 22:23
So I am at home right now, Eli and Andrew are at a baby shower. Things are going in a very perviouse way. I am open to alot of things and changing. Change... the enevitable. I hate and love change. I just finished constructing a new short film. Now I have to write the script for it. It is a long process to get a film off the ground if you are the only one who knows what you are doing. Equipment is a bid deal as well. I am trying to get some ideas on film and it just is hard to get it off the ground. My new film :"Alter dot dot dot" is a pretty good idea. I still haven't gotten around to fixing up :"anything for love" yet to the point where it is completely ready to film. I don't know what is going to happen next in my life and I am trying to pull it all together at the same time realize what I want out of all that is happening to me and really "buckle down." Buckle down, hmm a good name for a short film. Lol. This is kinda how it works, always looking for an idea and going through with it. I have been drinking coffee for the last hour or so, so I am thinking quickly and trying to tie up the loose ends of the day. I can't wait until next week for moriah to move in!!! I talked to her co-worker Melvin, the really cool one that she says we are alot alike. I think I am going to write a poem,
This fierce aborition we like to call our lives,
Truth at it's worst,
Calms the heart,
Icely numbs the brain,
and causes us to sustain ourselves as apart of the heirarcheal foodchain called society,
five of the 7 sins commited haneousely,
and we cover our faces with our guilty hands,
we... are not,
we is a perception,
perception of "I"
leave it to the messy squadron to psuedo-clean the mess they made,
leave it to the "I"s to create change,
leave it to perception to corrode morality,
leave it to the guilty hands to point the blame at organized religion,
as if religion is the answer,
as if religion is "I"s security,
when being secure causes hate lets be happy,
when security causes death,
then hold life and only then,
cherish life,
for the security of this aborition will falter in the midst of guilty hands.
to be quite honest, I have no clue where that all came from. confused, I know take a crack at thinking this way most of the time. It's headache causing. Anyways, I am kinda done for now.