Jul 06, 2007 00:41
Whew! I'm finally back home after spending the Fourth of July at my dad's house. I basically spent the last three days eating, setting off (legal) fireworks, sitting out in the sun, eating, watching movies, power washing various surfaces, eating, and being followed by a very small cat. It's nice to be home, but this means that I will have to stop procrastinating and actually search for a job.
The Harry Potter shenanigans start in one week! I really don't know how to feel about all this HP stuff ending. A little over two weeks from now, we'll know it all. Everything to the Harry Potter tale. Every motive, every secret, everything we've been wondering and guessing and deliberating about will be answered. I really think it's going to turn out to be one of those underwhelming experiences, kind of like how I felt after seeing Star Wars Episode III. The buildup will be massive, and in the end we'll have some sort of gripe. But, it's good to look at this as the end of an era. We've been reading these things for a better part of 8-9 years, and in a way it encapsulates our childhoods, sealing off the "pre" and "post" HP eras.
But, I say we enjoy the ride for just a few weeks more.