And one other thing...

Mar 01, 2016 22:33

I read a mystery novel because I seriously needed some brain candy. Specifically, I was reading one of Gail Bowen's Joanne Kilburn novels. It's one of the later ones, after Joanne marries a scuzzy defence lawyer who, in this book, is running for Mayor of Regina. Apparently, municipal politicians in Regina make Rob Ford (the crack-smoking former Lard Mayor of Toronto) look like Pee-wee Herman).

Anyways, some of the reviews for her later books (although not this one) express a preference for the early Joanne books (before she married Scuzzbag Esq.). I admit to being one of them, as I enjoyed reading her description of Regina, SK. This particular book seems hell bent on flipping the bird to the people who prefer the earlier stories, as she totally degrades and discredits some of the characters from the earlier books.

ETA: Maybe I have Game of Thrones on the mind too much right now, but I was particularly angered by Gail Bowen's use of rape as a plot device. One of the characters, Joanne's BFF, did a very, very bad thing to Joanne and her family. I got the impression that this character was raped as punishment for being such a scarlet woman. (To use a Ron Weasley-ism.) The character's rape also allowed Saint Joanne to forgive her.

I seriously needed to take a long shower after reading that book, and I deleted it from my device the minute I finished it before it contaminated my other books. Let's face it, I think I need to read some George R.R. Martin right now.

reading, books

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