Oct 01, 2006 13:32
So, on the day of repentance we are supposed to repent our sins, such as they are. See, jews are practical enough to only do that once a year. Supposedly when the Shofar (a sort of traditional horn thingie) is blown on the eve of Rosh Hshana the sky is opened so people's prayers go straight to god, and remain open until Yom Kipur, 10 days later. It's a fast day.
I quite like the tradition to ask for forgiveness during those days. Not from god, from people. For all you may have done during the year that hurt them. It's nice. So if I had done or said anything that hurt any of you I am most sincerely sorry. Other traditions of the day for the non-religious are video marathons (as there's nothing on TV) and most of all riding bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades ext. On this day there is no traffic, and I mean NO traffic. So the roads are completely free. It's fun.