(no subject)

Aug 12, 2011 18:00

Awsum things from yesterday:

1) IV cannulation SUCCESS FIRST TRY! Pt had huge veins, went smooth as butter. Huzzah huzzah.
2) Admitted a patient. MY NOTES ARE NOW IN THEIR FILE TO BE PRESERVED FOR ALL TIME. Kind of freaked, kind of stoked.

And then today I got to present that pt at rounds in front of the consultant because the team I'm with is kind of awesome and amazing and totally cool about the twitchy wigged-out medical student doing shit. Seriously. So cool. So terrifying. But it seems to have gone awright.

Last night I had two dreams that were "oh dear god what", albeit in two very different ways. First I dreamt about someone quizzing me on the difference between metoprolol and either sotalol or propanolol, I can't remember which. I GUESS THIS MEANS I'M LIVING AND BREATHING MEDICINE THE WAY I SHOULD, EH. Then I had one of my classic fucked-up dreams.

It was like a scene out of a police procedural show (*headtilt* <-- now I wonder if anyone will get that reference) in that there were cops, and somehow I was with the cops--I don't know, maybe part of the emergency medical team?--and we were all outside this guy's flat because he was threatening to hurt this kid. So shit goes down inside, we bust into the flat, and...nobody's there. The flat is very nice, two floors, wooden floor and banisters, full of light and modern decor, very to my tastes. Everybody is kind of ???bzuh? and cops go secure all the rooms and confirm that it's empty. Now that there's no threat we're all wondering where the guy went, and where the kid is, and they're sending out bulletins for the dude and speculating on where he might have taken the kid...

And then someone notices that the oven's on.

There is a universal moment of "oh, fuck no". Someone opens the oven door and pulls out the tray, on which a number of dishes rest.

Taters with gravy; vegetables that I think were carrots and something; and a toddler's arm and half a head, lightly browned.

I think that lifetime of horror movies is starting to have an effect.

dreams, weird medical shit

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