ok so it is like almost 7 in the morning. for like just about the past two hours i have been working on a blog for myspace. yes i was writing the whole time. it is really long but it is about things that i feel people really need to think about and understand. i know it will probably end up making some people mad or what not but i honestly dont care. its just me doing my late night/early morning thinking. which most people know that normally that isnt a good thing for me to do. but this time it is, i was able to just sit down and right, let out things that are on my mind, things that i have learned in life, things that i have just flat out noticed, things about whats going on in the world. which most people that really do know me know that i normally dont voice my thoughts on stuff like that, but every now and then it just needs to be said. whether or not people will take the time to read it is another story. right now i honestly dont care if anyone reads it. its the simple fact that i was able to get it off my chest.
but anyways, not too much has been going on with me, just not getting over being sick, waiting to take my state board test for me to become an offical CNA, then i can start working and making some good money. (which is money is another thing i wrote about). anyways not much else has been going with me. just the normal boring life of mandy. sitting up at the pool hall and staying up all hours of the night, then sleeping most the day away. just like always, i havent changed too much. lol.
but anyways if yall want to go read the blog it is at my Myspace page...here is the URL for it
http://www.myspace.com/kinky_ducky anyways im going to go ahead and get off here. who knows if i keep this shit up i might be updating more often. who knows lol.
-Peace out