Mar 17, 2006 22:39
This is an introductory sentence for an introductory paragraph. This paragraph is probably just going to end up crap anyway. I think, actually, I'm just going to dive into everything.
I got a new set of braces today. They hurt terribly and my gums are all bloody. They've been torn up and bloody all day. It's pretty gross. My teeth are sooooo sore & it hurts. They put a bracket on the weird tooth and it's sore and it's sore and it's sore.
Recently my mom went on a diet. She's lost 6 pounds so far, and, in effect, i feel like I'm getting in shape, too. That's pretty ridiculous, I know. So, in accordance with my Dine Healthy, which pretty much told me that if I continue my eating style, I'll die before I'm 30, I'm going on a diet with excercising. I know, I know, I'm skinnee, but still, I'd like to fit into some nice pants and get some muscle definition because I think it would look nicer.
Speaking of which, I think I want to be a model. YEAH SHUT UP I DO. I know I'm not terribly attractive or anything, but I'm not revolting or anything. Plus, I'd like some new clothes and I really wouldn't mind modeling clothes for companies and stuff. Not like a runway model or anything, just, you know. It's a pretty self-centered thing, yeah, sure, but still.
My friend Abby's mom died. Today is her birthday. I want to comfort her, but she's in a weird place right now.
There's probably more.