Oct 27, 2009 11:30
So...I've kinda vanished off the face of the Earth lately.
Updates are in order.
The interview process and documentation process of being hired by one of the biggest banking companies in North America took about two months to complete. Honestly, I've been to THREE interviews and been handing over documentation and proof of my life hand over fist on and off for months. But the process is over now and I got my final confirmation of employment today. I start on Monday.
Now this is full corporate employment, right. I mean picture business suite and cut throat attitude all the way. It's a great oppertunity of STABILITY....We'll see whether I enjoy STABILITY or not, because as much as I've been whining that that's what I want I'm pretty aware that my art and writing and acting are what I WANT to do with my life....and I won't allow anything to get in the way of that...even stability.
But we'll see. The plan is to have this AND the art.
Speaking of the art I am STREEEESSSSSED! I have a sale and gallery showing happening this sunday and I have to set up for it saturday night at the latest which means I have to have all my artwork done by saturday morning and and and and AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! *grabs paper bag* This is my FIRST foray into the public and it'll be with my venetian jeweled masks (I'll post pictures later), an art that I've always kind of kept close to my chest, if you know what I mean....
For those of you who don't know what I mean, I mean I've kept it kind of secret.
Jeweled venetian masks are HARD to make. I love making them but making one takes about a week and I have to make AT LEAST five more by the end of this week.
Caffeine has become my Frienemy in that it makes me shaky and twitchy and talk really loud and fast and kinda dizzy and unable to breathe but it keeps me awake and seems to fuel the obsessive compulsive need to BEAD things which is exactly what I sit and do for hours and hours making jeweled venetian masks. Conversations with people around me seem to be close variations of this:
Scorcha: "...are you okay?"
Spitey: "YES. WHY."
Scorcha: "....you seem a little....caffeinated...."
Scorcha: "...Hoooo...kay?"
Also....I've found a band. It is a very good cool band....I love them....They seem to love me....the band leader, who shall henceforth be dubbed Drummer, is a GIRL..which is novel for me and certainly renders a lot of gender politics ickeries moot.
By the way, that is the correct USE of the word moot via its meaning as we understand it today in everyday discourse but that's not actually the USE of the word moot, which means MEETING....so to truly render a point MOOT would be to render it MEETING which makes no sense....
Sorry back to the main point.....So the Band...currently going by the name Tequilla Mockingbird (please don't take as long as my friend 'Irene' to get it) has one more audition to go with a girl the bassist is bringing along.... Then they'll have a talk and give me a call....*sigh* This is a bit scary for me. I know I'm talented. I can write a good rock song in under three minutes, four verses, bridge, and catchy chorus. Plus I sound like Janis Joplin and look like Tinkerbell (for now).
But people always seem to turn me away for some Gwen Steffani wannabe. This is highly frustrating.
I hope they make the right choice because pretense at being humble aside, any hussie can sway on stage in a low cut top and whine into a microphone but not many bitches can actually rock the house.
Ahem. I mean...may the best frontwoman win.
*cough* I mean it's not about WINNING it's about what's best for the band......yeah.....
THere's a TONNE of other shit happening.....I'm also helping my father start his own business which is awesome. It's so fun watching him just GO and teach people. He's an amazing teacher, PhD and degrees aside....he just loves teaching which is wonderful to watch. The man is a nurturer and I find that so sweet.....maybe because I'm NOT a nurturer...I take after my mother that way.
But mainly I might return to sanity again once the galleria is done this sunday and I settle in at work a little.
P.S. starting a website to sell my artwork and masks soon. Pictures and stuff pending.
P.P.S. have hit writers block with SPACE yet again. 'S okay. nothing worth writing was ever easy and I have a feeling that the writer's block has more to do with how crazy my life is right now than anything else.
Plus.......I OUT RAN a bunch of runners on the street the other day....it was hilarious...I was really running to put money in my meter and they were running in the same direction, about seven of them and we got into a spontaneous race for some strange reason. It was hilarious. Chick in boots and jeans and leather bomber running next to spandex clad skinny assed high-maintainance joggers.
But now my calves hurt.....ow......
BUT HAH! All that cardio training on the treadmill comes in handy in a pinch....or when my competative tendencies get the better of me on city streets?
Love you all.