In a train station waiting for a train, as you do. I keep fidgeting and trying to figure out where my dosimetry is. Specifically, my ring badges. I'm so used to having these giant thick rings on each hand during the day at all times where are theyyyy. I do this at home, too, but it's during the day and I'm not wearing my dosimetry. Wait, did I ever mention what I do now? I quality check (and am slowly learning to synthesize) PET tracers. Mostly 11C, but occasionally some research projects come through with 18F, which they usually have me do because I am new and not as speedy and 18F has a comparatively long half-life. So I have dosimetry again, only it's not as swank as the dosimetry I had at Reed. The meters they use are also...uh...they claim they're
state-of-the-art? I guess I'm used to "state of the art" being a lot more digital. they use PICs instead of EPDs oh my god so adorable It's kind of high stress and I work overtime a lot, but now I come home with tons of nervous energy instead of being exhausted and am an adrenaline junkie, so I suppose that's all right. OKAY ENOUGH ABOUT THAT NO ONE CARES MOVING ON
I have discovered that once you hit a critical mass of power, PoR hard mode is a lot less hard. I steamrollered all four parts of stage 17, and then Ike classed up and it was pretty much all over for everything that stood in my way. Now he and Soren skip around clearing maps by themselves, and I don't even have their A-level support for maximum ridiculous. Summary: hard mode was painful when I'd only played through the game twice. Hard mode is less painful when I've played through the game five times. It helps that this time around, everyone is not universally terrible. I may picspam it later. Sorry, guys.
Hm. I'm kind of tired. Maybe I'll go pick up some coffee.