Nov 15, 2005 18:27 if anyone tries to call me within the next 24 hours...maybe more..maybe less...I won't be able to answer. For one my phone is deff. dead to the point where it won't even turn on for two seconds. I would charge it, but I left it in a friends car...and they live all the way at the top of Mount Athos. For those of you that don't know...That's in fucken Concord and I have no way to get to it. I would call the person who has it, but the fact that I would have to look up their number in my phone book...which is in my PHONE!!!...kind of restricts me from doing so. So yeah..I'm pissed...and I have no phone to get in touch with people. If it's really important and it's not after like 11:30 or 12 you can call a different number. I'm not giving that number away on here so just message me or something like that and I'll give it to you. I'll be checking this thing atleast once a day...probably ten times a day yeah....leave me one on here if you need me.
Love you guys!