Sep 20, 2005 21:01
Yeah...I didn't do much today. I woke up around 1ish and screwed around for while. Talked to a few people then had the shit scared out of me. For some reason a cop came by house today to give me a piece of paper that basically said everything that I was told in court a few weeks ago. Don't know why, but I guess they just felt like being random. All I know is when I answered the door the only thing that ran through my mind was "I didn't do it!! I really didn't do it this time! I PROMISE!!"...haha...I was sure I was gonna be in more trouble.
Yeah...after that happened I got back on the computer and talked to Vannah...decided to walk to her house. Yeah that was fun...almost got hit by a few cars cause I'm friggin tiny and no one sees me on the damn road! >< Yeah. Got there...watched Vannah change her pictures around and stuff like that...talked to Sarah on the phone for a little while...and then Dave came over! ^_^ I love Dave. Yeah...I wrote him a letter last night at like 3 in the morning cause I was that freaking bored. I gave it to him today and I'm still waiting to see whats going to happen with that. Vannah and I did our make-up..and her friend Janelle (sp?) came over. She seemed pretty cool. She stayed for a while and talked with us and then Dave had to leave so we all decided to go to the pool hall. Knopp called, came and got me and Vannah, and we went to his house and hung out for a little while...and now I'm home again...
That's pretty much all I did today...and it was fun. Being in Vannah's house again brought back a bunch of memories...and then talking about old times...and looking at our old pictures and looking at how much we've was fun, but at the sametime it made me wish things were still the same...but I guess everything changes for a reason...
Later guys!