Aug 22, 2005 15:12 I think that I might finally have a homeschooling program. It's called Education Direct and it's a three year program. It's going to cost about $900 for all three years. They're going to send books, study guides, exams, and other important stuff. I can also use the internet IF I need it with no extra cost. When I'm done with the three years of work that I have to do if I want to go to college I'll start the college prep. corse which will take about a year or less if I work my ass off. Even if I don't want to go to college the diploma I will recieve will make me eligable for a ton of great jobs, but I'm going to college so I know I'll be taking the prep. corse. My cousin is doing this same program and he said that is so much easier than regular school, so I'm hoping that if I work my ass off majorly I'll be able to finish everything before 3 years is up. I'm not sure how that is going to work out though. My dad wants me to have a job by the first of the year so that will take up some of my time. But not too much because I can take everything I need to work and do my school work there. I'll most likely be getting a job at the hospital or something like that. It's what my dad wants me to do so it's probably going to be what I'll have to do.
I'm oddly excited about this. It's school reguardless of where it is, but I'm really liking the idea that I won't have to put up with highschool drama and being tormented by people like Abby and Angel...AND I can finish it and graduate long before they will. I should be graduating with Class of '07 and hopefully with this I'll be able to!
Yay for homeschooling....yay for wonderful friends...yay for...everything good in my life! >_<
Lol...I love you all!