Nov 15, 2005 22:42
I really should write in this thing...oh well. No one actually reads it so... Anyway. Today was the day from frozen-hell. Got up late, was late to clinicals(oopsie), and now the heat isn't only 15 degrees out!! And lets not forget the people at the mall. Those wonderful people, who like to stare and make rude comments...thank any deity that I'm only here for 1 more year. You would think that the people around here wouldn't think that a interracial couple was a big deal, but oh noooo. Its just very annoying and aarrrgh!! Just one more year though, I think that I can keep Pico from yelling at them and I promise I wont say anymore 'smartmouth' comments. Back to the LJ thing. Maybe be if I learned how to use it and actually was more sociable on the comms I would have a friends list =) Just a thought...I really should give more feedback, these wonderful fanfic writers and artists are at times the best part of my day. Once I get finished with this rotation maybe, or finally get my RN. Oh well, I really am procrastinating..but the computer is warm and the rest of the house, well isn't. Heh, as crappy as the apartment was it was atleast warm. =)