Jul 09, 2006 20:36
OK so on Thursday I went out with teh coolnes nighteyes :) We went and saw SUperman and it was AMASING!!!!! I enjoyed it so much more than I thought I would! And yeh we went to the bookstore for a bit and hung out which was cool! regardless what you ppl think! And yeh I clasify you! Get over it! :D It's endearing really! We had super cool time chatting which I love to do cause yes I so talk a lot! And we showed eachother out undies :P I was not sure what man panties were so he totally cleared that up for me! So we will have to make out next time so we can talk about that :D Then on Friday night after work I went with two friends and saw PIRATES! I was actually kinda disappointed in it, but thank gawd Orlando was in it! so hot! UMMM OH I had a fuck all day at work Saturday, and I cried in the bathroom for like 20 mins on my lunch break, pathetic me! BUt it was just a bad day and I will keep going. But I am aggresivly looking in some other areas indeed!! And today being Sunday I went out and did some shopping and spent way toooo much. But i got so much neat stuff. New bras and things, 3 new books and a new journal. Some coolie shirts and earrings from Hot topic, damn place gets me everytime. SOme yummie smellie lotions and sparys form Vic Secrets, love their stuff! oh and a new knife lol anyway! SO I am so loving the money so I have to make my damn job work for little longer :P Guess that is about it for now. I am sure there will be more later...