Anyone ever tried herding cats before? Had to take mine to the vet for some shots and routine check-up type stuff recently, and I think Ro stole my skill at it. Or maybe it's just proof that he's weirder than most people realize. Cuz seriously, even I don't try to take them around town in a kiddie-wagon, much less expect it to work. But it works for him, so that's good I guess.
In even more ironic news: a recent study found that
clean people are less judgmental. Don't think I need to say who this news does, or rather very pointedly doesn't, remind me of. Other people's thoughts?
And on the just plain disturbing side of things:
couple who dresses alike. Maybe I'm a cynic when it comes to love, but that seems pretty excessive to me. I'd rather hang around these
too similar polar bears thx.