And Here I Sit, Leaving The Important Things Behind...

Oct 28, 2005 11:22

And so here is my update on my kitten and living conditions...
Kitten is awsome, everyone loves her, she's adorable but a complete brat, but that makes her funny... But not at like 4 am... But anytime other than that it's all good...
The house is awsome, and everyone is welcome!
I miss Katie, I can't beleive your at Mac, it's just oddly not the same without you... But I'm learning to manage without you, as challanging as this seems to be. I hope Mac is treating better than Brock did, and that your happy there now!
I miss Monizzle and hope that Laurier was the best choice for you, but know that if you HAD come to Brock, you could have lived in my house next year, becuase you are my hero, and I hope that you come and visit me whenever you come downt to see James... Too bad you weren't coming up this weekend, you could have come to the Halloween party at Issac's with me and the girls... You could be you for Halloween! It's like the best costume ever, all the guys would be in love with you! LoL
Ta Tas!!!
PS: I have brown hair again Monizzle... When I did it, I thoguht of you!!!

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