Fic Rec - Sam/Dean NC17 - But a Whimper

May 23, 2007 23:28

So I read this story the other day and really liked the way it was written. You may well have already seen it posted on Wincest, but I asked the author if I could link to it here and she said I could.

Title: But a Whimper
Author: fleshflutter
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Evil!Sam/Dean
Warning: incest, tiny spoiler for All Hell Breaks Loose part one, slightly dubious consent

Feedback: At the Author's LJ please

He refuses to move. That's something his dad taught him: when you're out of ammo and need to survive, keep real still and it might leave you alone. It's instinct now.

category: slash, pairing: sam/dean

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