Title: what rough beast, its hour come around at last
kat_lair / Mistress Kat
Fandom: Harry Potter/Supernatural
Characters/Pairing: Lucius Malfoy, implied Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Rating: R for the implications but I’m probably overtly cautious as it’s all largely off screen
Word count: 3,048
Warnings: Features evil!Sam in the Death Eater camp, tread accordingly. All the nasty things tend to happen off screen though.
Disclaimer: Not mine, only playing
Summary: There are no prophesies about Sam Winchester.
Author notes: Written for ‘It’s So Easy Being Evil’ Summer 2013 Challenge at
evilsam_spn. My prompt song was
‘It’s Not Over Yet’ from A Very Potter Sequel. This fic really doesn’t have much to do with the song itself, awesome as it is, except for the fusion concept. Note that I have taken liberties with the ages. While Sam Winchester’s D.O.B. (1983) actually makes him 3 years younger than Harry Potter (D.O.B. 1980), here the Winchesters are in their 20s around the time of Voldemort’s resurrection. Thank you to
margaret_r for a wonderful and speedy beta-read and to
pushkin666 for brainstorming and handholding. The title and the line of poetry Lucius thinks of in the fic are from
The Second Coming by W. B. Yeats.
what rough beast, its hour come around at last ***